There should be a law that every Democrat who supports illegal aliens must live in a sanctuary city
(The Blaze) The majority of Americans oppose having their city declared a “sanctuary city†to protect illegal immigrants, a new poll reveals.
According to a new Rasmussen Reports poll, only 35 percent of likely U.S. voters favor living in a “sanctuary city,†while 52 percent said they oppose their local officials declaring their town a “sanctuary city,†nearly a 20 point spread. Fourteen percent told Rasmussen they are undecided.
Most people also said that “sanctuary cities†are “less safe,†according to the survey. Forty percent said they are “less safe,†while only 17 percent said they are “more safe.†Thirty-five percent of respondents said the safety level is about the same.
As Rasmussen points out, this poll is based on the issue in Rockville, Maryland, where two immigrants, for which at least one is known to be an illegal, brutally raped a 14 year old girl in a school bathroom (a story which has been virtually embargoed by the major media). The city itself is considering whether to declare itself a sanctuary city in the midst of this.
I wonder how many Democrats want to live in sanctuary cities? Good news, the poll answers the question
Respondents were highly divided among partisan lines. Republicans were mostly likely to say they feared living in “sanctuary city†while a “plurality†of Democrats — 48 percent — said they favor it.
So, even 52% of Democrats do not want to live in conditions their beliefs create. Surprise!
Meanwhile, California is holding hearings on whether to become a sanctuary state, SB-54. One woman speaks out
“Our beautiful children have been sacrificed at the altar of elected officials and non-profits as we can see how many non-profits are making money off of our dead children,†she continued.  “I have it on good authority, our side wins! Even with all that that you have, our side wins, because you have weeping mothers not only in California but throughout the United States now. It’s not here, it’s everywhere now.â€
“Stop trying to blur the difference between illegal and legal,†she thundered.  “There’s a big difference. We’re Americans – we live the American culture and we have the American spirit. We don’t steal, we don’t lie and we don’t take other people’s things.â€
Not only read the whole thing, watch and listen to the video. Like everything with liberals, there is an unstated ulterior goal when it comes to illegals. They don’t care about them. They want more voters, at the expense of legal citizens.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Your last paragraph accurately sums up the situation.
And you wonder why you’re called a fascist, LOL.
There should be a law that every Republican who supports a war must fight in that war.
There should be a law that every Conservative who opposes federal spending must give up federal benefits.
There should be a law that every Conservative who supports massive deportation pay 27% for food.
There should be a law that every Republican wanting to eliminate the EPA buy their clean air and water from Democrats.
This is fun! Is that really the America you want?
Your arithmetic is spot on, but your methods suspect. Neither you, the Blaze (LOL), nor Ramsussen (LOL) reported the question or the results other than the 48% who would live in a sanctuary city. What percentage of respondents had no opinion? 20%? What percentage wouldn’t want to live in ANY city? 27%? 12%?
Even the Blaze (LOL) reported 48% as a “plurality”. You don’t know what plurality means, do you (LOL)? It means your 52% is incorrect, even if your subtraction is correct. We hope your claim was out of mere ignorance.
In talking with a retired academic this morning we were told that foreign applications to US colleges and universities are down. Note that foreign students usually pay full boat tuition + housing and incidentals. Evidently they are concerned about the US treatment of even legal immigrants and the dangers associated.
A recent report said that high tech workers are spurning the US for Europe.
So what is trumpy doing to stimulate the economy?
A retired academic and an unnamed report…
Isn’t that another anecdotal fallacy of yours?
Try again, little guy.
No one here is buying your leftist bullshit anymore.
They’re laughing at you.
There should be a law that every Democrat who supports illegal immigrants should allow one to move into their home. Open door policy, right?