Isn’t it awesome that a government has decided to side with a tiny, tiny, tiny percentage of people who are, for the most part, mentally ill?
(Daily Caller) Ontario passed a law Thursday that gives the government the right to take away children from families that don’t accept their kid’s chosen “gender identity.â€
Parents who oppose or criticize the LGBT agenda will be considered potential “child abusers†and may have their children taken away by the state, according to the new bill. If the parents are ruled to be abusers by failing to wholeheartedly support their child’s gender choice, that child “can be removed from that environment and placed into protection where the abuse stops.â€
Bill 89, also known as “The Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act of 2017,†received Royal Assent and was passed in Ontario by a vote of 63 to 23.
The old law allowed parents to “direct the child’s education and religious upbringing†but now says a parent must influence a child’s education and upbringing “in accordance with the child’s or young person’s creed, community identity and cultural identity.â€
Why are they doing this? They’re nuts. The law could even stop people from fostering and/or adopting kids if they disagree with the LGBTQ agenda
Of course, let’s never forget that these unhinged radical leftists will gladly throw the same LGBTQ folks, along with women, under the bus in order to patronize and protect Islamic extremists.
American Lens goes on to note (using an article from Gender Trender) that Canada is looking to legalize gender confusion nationally with Bill C-16, which “would establish a government recognized class of people based on their personal feeling that sex stereotypes form an integral and desired component of their legal identity.” This would be a part of the criminal code, so, it should turn out great, right?
Perhaps it is time to stop tolerating this insanity and ruining kids’ lives by allowing them to perpetuate fantasies that they’re the other sex, which is encouraged by insane leftists with political agendas.

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[…] The latest example, we find by way of William Teach at Pirate’s Cove: […]
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