Biden’s “Amnesty” For Illegal Spouses Already Looks To Face Lawsuits

If we weren’t living in a banana republic the duly elected legislative branch would be shutting down this order from Biden, and even looking to impeach Biden for violating the Constitution and his oath of office

‘Unconstitutional’: Biden’s ‘Amnesty’ Executive Order Poised For Slew Of Legal Challenges

President Joe Biden announced an executive order Tuesday that could effectively provide amnesty to well over 500,000 illegal immigrants in the United States — but the move may not pass legal muster.

Speaking Tuesday at a White House event commemorating the 12-year anniversary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy, Biden unveiled his own executive order laying out a plan to give deportation protection, work permits and a pathway to legal status to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrant spouses. Those eligible must have lived in the U.S. for at least 10 years, be legally married to a U.S. citizen and be ultimately approved by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Remember, Obama stated that DACA was un-Constitutional

The illegal immigrants approved under the order will have three years to apply for permanent residency, allowing them to remain in the U.S. and gain work authorization.

But like DACA, the action is set to face legal challenges from conservative groups and immigration hawks, who say the executive order is unconstitutional and inappropriately interprets its underlying statute.

An attorney for the Immigration Reform Law Institute told the Daily Caller News Foundation that they are currently identifying legal challenges, and America First Legal – a conservative legal organization headed by former Trump adviser Stephen Miller – on Tuesday pledged legal action against the order.

And there could be others who file legal challenges

The maneuver the Biden administration is using to grant this mass amnesty is an authority known as “parole-in-place.” The president will use parole-in-place to remove obstacles in U.S. law that prevents noncitizen spouses who entered the country illegally from obtaining green cards without leaving the country, offering them a pathway to permanent legal status.

Under current law, an illegal immigrant can apply for legal status after they have married a U.S. citizen, but they are required to leave the country in order to move forward with the process. Under Biden’s expansion of parole-in-place, those noncitizens will be allowed to wait out the application process while remaining in the country.

The law is clear and how this works. Biden is eliminating the legal requirement. Under current law, this can only be used under a very narrow set of circumstances and be temporary, for which this mass amnesty doesn’t apply.

“Rather than stopping the worst border crisis in history, President Biden has overreached his executive authority to use an unconstitutional process, circumventing voters and their elected representatives in Congress, to send a message that amnesty is available to those who enter illegally into the United States,” James Massa, CEO of NumbersUSA, said in a statement.

“The action is unconstitutional. The timing is unconscionable,” Massa added.

How can we be a nation of law when the Executive Office decides to do whatever the hell it wants to do, and the Legislative Branch fails to stop it?

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18 Responses to “Biden’s “Amnesty” For Illegal Spouses Already Looks To Face Lawsuits”

  1. H says:

    Woul Mr Teach feel the same way if Trump began immediate deportations without regard to immigration court rulings?

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      Yes, I’m sure he would. Being Christian conservatives we don’t believe that justice depends on what we’re feelings are it depends on what the law is and what is morally correct. On the other hand if court rulings are morally wrong like what occurred to Donald Trump recently they should not be upheld in fact the perpetrators who made those decisions should themselves be prosecuted. When the law is used for persecution rather than prosecution we have a problem and that is the problem we currently have in this country today. Ask the people still in jail because of January 6th. It’s an abomination. And so are people like you who believe justice can be molded into what you want it to be rather than what is fair for everyone. Then again leftists like you don’t care what’s fair for everyone you only care what’s good for you. As you say “by any means necessary”.

      That’s why wherever you are there’s a trail of bodies behind you in America they’re mostly the bodies of unborn babies and crime victims.

      Happy Juneteenth. It’s a big day for the blacks but it’s a bigger day for the Christian American lovers because it’s the day that the Rosenberg’s were fried. Lol

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        L.G. typed: justice… depends on what the law is and what is morally correct

        Who decides what is morally correct? Is it “morally correct” for a married man to bribe a porn star he shtupped to help win an election?

        Criminals rarely feel that justice is fair. And Mr Trump has made clear he obeys every law all the time, LOL!!

        The significance of June 19 is that it was good for American Christians because two Jews were “fried”?

        Would you like to reframe that? Some would think the emancipation of slaves was a big deal.

        Anyway, some 45,000 Americans die each year from inadequate healthcare. Thanks conservatives! There’s always a trail of bodies behind conservatism, e.g., Hitler killed millions.

        • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

          Once again is the typical wire and prevaricator that you are you found it necessary to put words in my mouth. I never said “The significance of June 19 is that it was good for American Christians because two Jews were “fried”?” I never made the racial slur Jews, you did. Because you can’t accept the fact that I like the idea that two communists were fried I wish I could fry all the communists they could take the socialists and the Muslims with them any other enemy of America and Christianity.

          You’re an odd fellow. You live in a land created by white Christians and all you do is bitch and complain about white Christians. You hate the people who made your life better. You’re an ungrateful SOB aren’t you? You’re also an ignorant slob. You worship at the feet of people who would slaughter you if they could and you ridicule those of us you are there to protect this land. In fact you’re just like the Rosenberg’s.

          And where did I say or even hint that the emancipation of slaves was not a big deal? Remember that emancipation was done primarily by Republicans and Christians not communist and heathens like you and definitely no Democrats who are the only slave owners in America.

          Anyway, some 45,000 Americans die each year from inadequate healthcare. Thanks conservatives! There’s always a trail of bodies behind conservatism, e.g., Hitler killed millions.

          so as usual when you can’t when a comment you bring in something that has nothing to do with it. What does inadequate healthcare have to do with Juneteenth? What does it have to do with the fact that you guys took over health care with Obamacare so 45,000 Americans die each year from inadequate health care? (BTW, where do you come up with thee unproven and inadequate numbers) it’s your fault not ours. You created the system you socialist pig not me if they’re dying you did it. And Hitler was not a conservative he was a socialist. He was a leftist he was a revolutionary just like you and a filthy murderer just like you. He loved murdering children too just like you. 500,000 unborn Americans die every year because of your policies. You’re a mass murderer.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:


            You big hateful, violent, murderous moron! LOL.

            The point was, “What does Christianity have to do with executing spies?” The answer is “nothing”.

            BTW, “Jews” is not a slur.

            You want to fry all the enemies of Christianity? That’s what radical Islamists want as well! They want to kill all the Jews and Christians. Our deist (please look it up) founding fathers did NOT wish America to be a Christian nation. Please read the 1st Amendment. And Caucasians were the first foreign invaders of the Americas bringing black slaves with them.

            It was minutes ago but you typed: Happy Juneteenth. It’s a big day for the blacks but it’s a bigger day for the Christian American lovers because it’s the day that the Rosenberg’s were fried

            You stated the execution of the Rosenberg’s is a bigger deal for “Christian American lovers” than Juneteenth is for blacks.

            1) Many blacks in the US are “Christian American lovers” and 2) Really? Executing the Rosenbergs was more important than emancipating the slaves?

            Ya big dummy, YOU brought up leftists killing people. We just pointed out in modern America your Unified Reich is killing 45,000 Americans a year. We need universal healthcare in the US. Estimates of those dying range from 20,000 to 65,000. The government pays for YOUR healthcare, correct?

            You’re a mass murderer!!

            There is no such thing as an unborn American. Persons are born. They become Americans when born. Before then, they are zygotes, embryos or fetuses.

            Hitler was no leftist, but he was murderous piece of shit megalomaniac who led a cult and wished to take over the world. The Nazis despised communists and socialists. Yes, they had socialist in their name, but were not socialists.

            Sound familiar? Adolf started out as a confirmed Catholic but later used Christianity as a device to gain followers. Sound familiar?

            And over 150 years ago the Dems were conservative and Repubs were liberal, but not now.

  2. H says:

    The independent bipartisan Congressional Budget Office just reported on how much the recent migrants have helped the USA economy avoid that recession that was forecast for 2924 by so many Biden haters.
    The Dow is setting record highs, more people working now then under Mr Trump, low unemployment, wage increases now higher than inflation.
    Millions of “military aged” men working hard driving up our GDP

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      There is nothing independent or bipartisan about the current Congressional Budget Office. They have been patsies for the leftist philosophy for the last 20 years just like all other institutions and government offices. You know it as well as we do.

      Recent migrants are killing and murdering and raping Americans or do you not read and see the news? Dumb question you probably don’t you probably watch CNN. The United states is not in a recession because the United states is in the middle of stagflation. You’re probably too ignorant to recognize that. The Dow is setting record highs because the government is spending record cash. The government pouring money all over the place except where it should be and all the millionaires are getting it and they’re the guys who were running the Dow. Or haven’t you learned that yet in life? Unemployment low because everybody either has two jobs or working part time jobs just to keep up.

      There’s millions of military aged men are not working to drive up our GDP they’re hanging on street corners they are robbing stores stealing and committing crimes. The only work they do is when they sell illegal drugs. They’re on welfare and taking advantage of all kinds of government programs that should be going to our fellow Americans. But our fellow Americans are unemployed because their jobs are taken by illegals. Military age illegal immigrants are not a plus they’re a minus to any country because they are not quality individuals they are the scum of their countries that have come over here to escape by their prison or a wife or both. And you are an idiot for rallying for foreign males.

  3. drowningpuppies says:

    It’s good that Brandon cares so much about America and Americans.

    Bwaha! Lolgf

  4. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Mr Teach asks: How can we be a nation of law when the Executive Office decides to do whatever the hell it wants to do

    E.O./year by President

    J Biden 39
    Trump 55
    B Obama 35
    W Bush 36
    Clinton 45
    HW Bush 42
    R Reagan 48

    Appears that then-president Trump preferred ruling by fiat more than any other Prez!!

    Should we get rid of Executive Orders altogether?

    Anyway, maybe it’s a trap by Biden to get long-term “illegals” to ID themselves so they can be deported!!

    • Brother John says:

      Once you parse those numbers and work out how many were in pursuance of constitutional objectives and which were extraconstitutional expressions of policy, then we’ll talk. Til then, you’re just fucking shitposting.

      They become Americans when born. Before then, they are zygotes, embryos or fetuses.

      Evidently the concept of “stages of development” is unknown to you.

      Hitler was no leftist,

      You’re an idiot. ALL authoritarian systems are left. I don’t know why this idiocy makes sense to so many people other than institutional capture.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Appears that then-president Trump preferred ruling by fiat more than any other Prez!!

        Commenter typed: ALL authoritarian systems are left.

        All authoritarian systems are authoritarian, often murdering those who refuse to comply. Hitler was no liberal.

        If you really wish a discussion, we should start here. What differentiates left-wing from right-wing politics?

        What do you see about Stalin, Mao, Xi and Kim that makes you think liberal?

        • Brother John says:

          Appears that then-president Trump preferred ruling by fiat more than any other Prez!!

          I’ve already addressed this. Your repetition is idiotic and imbecilic.

          All authoritarian systems are authoritarian, often murdering those who refuse to comply. Hitler was no liberal.
          If you really wish a discussion, we should start here. What differentiates left-wing from right-wing politics?
          What do you see about Stalin, Mao, Xi and Kim that makes you think liberal?

          Leave out the word “liberal.” It pointlessly confuses the issue.

          When you look at the climate control in your car, what do you see? You see cold on one end and hot on the other.

          Putting Stalin on the left and Hitler on the right makes no sense. It’s like having hot at both ends and warm in the middle. It’s completely stupid.

          The only variable that works with the left/right divide that isn’t strictly team sports is the size of the state relative to the individual.

          In Stalin’s Russia, the individual was very, very small compared to the state. The state expropriated anything it liked, conducted show trials, executed political opposition, and did whatever it liked.

          In Hitler’s Germany, the individual was likewise very, very small in very much the same ways.

          The difference between the two is that Stalin’s ideology was international and the state sought to own and control all assets everywhere. Under Hitler (and Mussolini)’s fascism, the ideology was within borders, not across them, and property remained in private hands so long as they played ball with the state.

          There is functionally no other difference between the two. They are both hard left on that axis. Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.

          In the USA in 1787, the opposite was true. In fact nobody had any interaction with Washington in daily life apart from the Post Office until well into the 20th century.

          There was maximum freedom and liberty and minimal state interference.

          That’s your starting point for left/right understanding.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            Oh, the strong car heater analogy. Hot vs cold. Left vs right. Tall vs short. Smart vs conservative…

            Try again.

            Are Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, France, New Zealand leftist nations?

            Syrians have minimal state interference. Gazans have little state interference. Are they right-wing nations.

            In fact, bozo, a nation can deliver exceptional government support of citizens without authoritarianism. Is Israel left or right? They make people get an education, force healthcare down their throats, have government run desalination.

            The Bedouins are free. Are the left or right?

            Does universal healthcare make a nation left-wing, and likely to murder its citizens if they disobey?

            Was Saudi Arabia left or right enforcing Sharia law, making women dress modestly etc?

            My take is that authoritarianism is its own special category of hellishness.

            Is Kim far-left or far-right and does it matter?

        • Brother John says:


          Oh, the strong car heater analogy.

          Yes. Useful for comparing extremes. Why can’t you follow that? Is this analogy difficult for your smooth brain to follow, or do you just delight in being a pain in the ass?

          This also means it’s a continuum. You can set your car’s thermostat to be 85 or 60 or anywhere in between.

          The nations you have named fall in between these extremes. By the definition I’ve proposed — and I have yet to see another that is internally logically consistent — hardly anything is “far-right” (except as it’s taken to mean “something that gives Democrats a sore ass”).

          Using the Soviets and Nazis as -10 and the USA c. 1776 as +10, most modern western nations are somewhere around +2.

          Until Kung Flu, that is, when everyone all over the world moved sharply to the left several notches.

          Gazans may have “little state influence,” but their culture belongs on the left and they’re routinely used as human shields, so they’ve got nothing with anything I have defined as “right.”

          Although you’d like to characterize American conservatives and Christians as “far right” and the Saudis with them just for smearing purposes, the Saudis belong on the left.

          My take is that authoritarianism is its own special category of hellishness.

          Fine, OK, so it is — but if you can’t follow this simple analogy — or propose a different one that doesn’t reflect your own ignorant view and is internally consistent — then as far as I’m concerned any further use of the terms “right” and “left” just pegs you as fuller of shit than before.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            Thank you for following my point!! There are continua!! Kim, Putin, Xi, Stalin, Hitler are/were nonpareil murderous authoritarians.

            Recall, YOU typed: ALL authoritarian systems are left.

  5. drowningpuppies says:

    Libtards like Rimjob (aka SMD) should see no problem with this.

    Bwaha! Lolgf

  6. Jl says:

    Sure, Johnny-millions of “military age men” working at the expense of US citizens. Good catch. As asked before, where are the women and children? Or are your military aged men just pussies?

  7. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    The far-left SCOTUS ruled 8-1 that a domestic abuser with a protective order in place can have his gun taken by the government!!! This finding overrules the conservative 5th Circuit decision in the Rahimi case.

    Justice Thomas was the lone dissenter, believing that the 2nd Amendment protections of Mr Zackey Rahimi were violated. A state court had granted Rahimi’s then-girlfriend a restraining order in February 2020 after Rahimi dragged her into his car following an argument in Arlington. He pushed her in, causing her to hit her head on the dashboard, and then shot at a bystander who had witnessed the assault. The police kept his firearms from him!!

    Justice Thomas made the valid point that domestic violence was not a crime when the 2nd Amendment was ratified!!

    Our 2nd Amendment clearly states: the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed

    The 2nd Amendment did not mention exceptions!!

    This ruling is the camel’s nose under the tent.

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