Guy Protected By People Carrying Actual Assault Rifles Wants AR-15s Banned Yet Again

Funny, the guy was shot and shot at isn’t calling for “assault rifles” to be banned, but, the guy surrounded by people with fully automatic rifles with large capacity magazines is

President Biden renews call to ban AR-15 rifles after Trump assassination attempt

President Joe Biden renewed his call for stronger gun control Tuesday following the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump after staying quiet in the immediate aftermath of the shooting about the AR-15-style gun that nearly killed the former president.

Biden did not mention guns or gun violence during his first three public remarks on Saturday’s shooting including during a primetime Oval Office address Sunday night. But in a speech Tuesday in Las Vegas at the NAACP National Convention, Biden finally did ? declaring it’s time to ban assault weapons like the one used in the shooting at a Trump campaign rally in Butler, Pa.

“An AR-15 was used in the shooting of Donald Trump, just as it was assault weapons that killed so many others including children. It’s time to outlaw them,” Biden said, drawing applause from supporters. (snip)

Biden waited three days following the Trump assassination attempt to make his latest appeal on guns. Biden had initially steered clear of an emotional and polarizing debate over guns at a time when he’s called for the nation to “cool down” the temperature in politics.

“Now, just because we must lower the temperature of our politics, it doesn’t mean we have to stop telling the truth,” Biden said in his remarks to NAACP members.

Let’s start by removing all scary looking rifles from the hands of the people who provide protection for Biden, the White House, Kamala, and all of Biden’s federal employees. Since the rifles are so Evil, we should start there. He’d be fine with that, right? Too bad elected Republicans just never seem to understand to play hardball with Biden and Democrats on this.

Gun control advocates said they hoped for a larger national discussion about gun reform following the assassination attempt ? but have applauded the efforts of Biden.

“It’s incredibly disheartening that we’re not hearing more calls to talk about the ways in which this shooter was able to really be empowered to shoot the president because of the easy access to a high-powered rifle,” said Christian Heyne, chief policy and programs officer at Brady, a gun violence prevention group. “I do think that the Biden administration has been doing everything they can.”

Yes, yes, let’s take the guns away from people who didn’t break the law. As for high powered, hunters typically use rifles that aren’t scary looking that are more powerful. Such as the Winchester 70 in .308 is much more powerful, and can be more on-target at distance than most “assault rifles”. Had the wackjob, who took the rifle from his father, used a typical hunting rifle we would most likely be having a different conversation about Trump, namely, that he was dead or on life support.

Reportedly, there are over 20 million AR15’s in the hands of U.S. citizens. Yet, how many shootings are really happening by lawful owners? Biden is protected all around by people with military grade/automatic rifles. Take them away, let them only have the “approved” rifles per the gun grabbers. Who would then come after those rifles.

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33 Responses to “Guy Protected By People Carrying Actual Assault Rifles Wants AR-15s Banned Yet Again”

  1. drowningpuppies says:

    “Elect me. I’m in the 20th Century.”
    – Joe Biden

  2. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Mr Teach pulls out his old saw… nothing special about the AR-15!!

    The world’s militaries, assassins and mass killers have been duped by capitalism to use those scary-looking guns instead of the more deadly big caliber M-1 (.30-06) and M-14s (7.62)! Stupid militaries.

    Thomas Matthew Crooks, a rare intelligent Republican, although cruel and murderous, may have used his dad’s AR-15 because he didn’t have access to a .308. Since he spent time at shooting ranges he may have known the lethal, flat-shooting AR-15 has much lower recoil than the hunting cartridges, enabling more rapid repeat firing. That is a main reason the militaries and mass shooters use the 5.56 rifles.

    Try a .223 and a .308 and get back to us after you shoot each twice.

    Once again, Teach uses photoshop to dishonestly compare the universal AR-15 style vs the rare wood-stocked .223 hunting rifle. The hunting rifles are longer, heavier, have smaller magazines, don’t accept flash suppressors, their barrels heat up, etc. AR-15 style rifles were designed to enable soldiers and police to kill bad guys. And to enable manufacturers to make BILLIONS!!

    Why does Mr Teach whine that police and soldiers use effective weapons that other citizens should not have access to? That makes no sense does it? How about machine guns? They should be perfectly Constitutional without any restrictions at all!!

    • drowningpuppies says:

      Another Rimjob C&P.

      “Elect me. I’m in the 20th Century.”
      – Joe Biden

    • Brother John says:

      And to enable manufacturers to make BILLIONS!!

      EVERYTHING made by EVERY MANUFACTURER has making money as an objective, you fucking twat.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:


        Fentanyl manufacturers have making money as an objective, you fucking twat!

        Pimps have making money as an objective, you fucking twat!

        Child porn manufacturers have making money as an objective, you fucking twat!

        Goodnight, Johnboy…

        This is fun!!

        • Brother John says:

          So ….you’ve chosen to reinforce my point using the stupidest examples you can?


          Brilliant play.

          Except you got one wrong. The manufacturers of child porn do so to be able to blackmail Democrat politicians.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:


            Widespread AR-15 possession is dangerous like fentanyl and pimping. Get it, dumbshit?

          • david7134 says:

            No, possession of a rifle is not dangerous. Denial of access to a weapon by a law abiding weapon is a right and not a danger. But the statement is made by an individual who promotes tyrannical communist government and uses the climate hoax to get his wish. He even denies the fact Biden used fraud to gain office.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            Between 2000 and 2022 there were 144 public mass shootings in the world – 109 in the United States and 35 in the other economical and political comparator nations. The US makes up 33% of the combined population of the the 36 nations; however, it accounts for 76% of the public mass shootings and 70% of the victim fatalities.

            The intentional homicide rate in the US is 6.4 murders/100,000 population.

            Lithuania is the next highest advanced/industrialized nation at 2.4
            Canada 2.3
            Israel 1.6
            France 1.6
            UK 1.5
            Germany 0.8
            S Korea 0.5
            Japan 0.2

            The US homicide rate is some 6 times Germany’s, 3 times Canada.

            We know, we know, it’s because of our uber-violent ghetto thugs, but even cutting the US homicide rate in half still leaves us the most violent whites on Earth!!

    • James Lewis says:

      Chicken Little Karen Man

      Thomas Matthew Crooks, a rare intelligent Republican,

      So you admire him.

      We understand.

      You want Trump to be killed.

    • Dana says:

      The distinguished Mr Dowd humorously wrote:

      Thomas Matthew Crooks, a rare intelligent Republican,

      So, you are saying that it is an intelligent action to plan to assassinate a candidate for the presidency? It’s good of you to tell us exactly who you are.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        One can be both intelligent and vile. Senator Vance was intelligent to graduate Yale Law and write a best seller, but…

        But you know all this.

        • drowningpuppies says:

          Vance is a much better man than you by a long shot, fatso!

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            Vance has committed a U-turn on his principle beliefs to satisfy his ambitious cravings!

          • drowningpuppies says:

            J,D, Vance is, was and always will be a better man than you, Rimjob.

            BTW, what happened to that $50M at Galera Therapeutics?

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            And VP Kamala Harris is better person than you by a long shot, Methmouth.

          • drowningpuppies says:

            “It is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day.”

            “Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So basically, that’s wrong.”

            — Kamala Harris

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Teach typed: Let’s start by removing all scary looking rifles from the hands of the people who provide protection for Biden, the White House, Kamala, and all of Biden’s federal employees.

    That makes so little sense. Is Mr Teach really that stupid or just being feisty?

    • drowningpuppies says:

      How many “asses” in “assassination”?

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Three “ass”es in “trump assassination”, Dickbreath aka Pissant

        • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

          Yeah we can see how you wanna reach across the isle converse with each other and get along.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            You and your “friends” dig name calling so I just join in. Let me know if I’m too hurtful.

            Regarding reaching across the aisle, we’re in tough times. Dems and Repubs agree on few issues today.

            One side would ban all abortions, and one side wants the equivalent of Roe v Wade.

            One side would help protect Ukraine from Russian aggressive, and the other would pull all US support.

            One side believes the Earth is warming from CO2 and the other believes it’s a scam.

            One side would put the 10 Commandments in public classrooms, the other believes that violates the Constitution.

            One side would restrict AR-15 style semi-auto rifles, the other argues this violates the 2nd Amendment.

            One side would cut taxes on billionaires, the other would increase taxes on billionaires.

            Neither side will compromise, putting the nation first.

  4. Professor Hale says:

    Biden is protected all around by people with military grade/automatic rifles

    Not just him. Nearly every police vehicle in the country has an AR-15 variant in the trunk. These “weapons of war” are considered good enough to protect and serve you on the streets every day yet too powerful to be in the hands of common people to protect themselves.

    The gun control movement is a moving target. They are never satisfied with banning just this one thing, then they will be happy and go away. First is was Saturday night specials, then cop killer bullets, then 9mm handguns, then big magazines. AR-15’s are only in the targets of gun control groups because they are so popular with the American people.

    The way this is supposed to work, if that the US military sells off their surplus weapons of war to the American people and those people, armed with nearly modern castoffs for a sort of reserve military force or “militia”. The term “well regulated” means that the people have in their hands weapons that are compatible with military use.

    But since we know that Democrats are liars and that their gun control activists are liars, there is no point discussing this with them rationally. Our only rational position on every topic is to oppose everything Democrats want to do. Everything. There is no middle ground or reasonable gun control because all of it is just another step along the path of full disarmament. That is their goal and every time they say, No one is coming for your guns, they are LYING.

  5. Professor Hale says:

    Also, we know Trump wasn’t shot in the ear by an AR-15 because we have all been told that if that were true, his head would have exploded if that high velocity bullet passed near enough to touch his ear.

  6. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Another Pissant (aka Dickbreath) C&P!

  7. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Mr Hale has gone full idiot conspiracy. ” The Dems want full disarmament!!”
    “They won’t stop until schoolkids are safe!!”
    To disarm all Americans requires repealing the 2nd Amendment which 12% of Americans support.
    Mr Hale should stop lying. It’s unbecoming for a professor.

  8. ruralcounsel says:

    This is how Biden drums up “unity” and “toning things down?”

    By declaring war on millions of law-abiding American gunowners? When the country teeters on the brink of civil unrest and violence because of the government’s war on its political opponents? By threatening a valid Constituional amendment? By acting like a fascist dictator?

    How typical of the Democrats.

  9. drowningpuppies says:

    Sad but true.


  10. Professor Hale says:

    How do you get conservatives to willingly give up guns?

    1. Tone down the rhetoric that their government hates them and wants to kill them or put them in prison for the crime of existing.

    2. Stop achieving the self fulfilling prophesy that people need guns to stand against a tyrannical government that wants to seize all firearms, by stopping government efforts to seize firearms.

    3. Reduce the feeling people have of being physically threatened by high crime rates, and hostile foreign invasions by punishing criminals and deporting foreign invaders.

    4. Stop using anti-civil rights groups like Bloomberg’s AnyTown, Gifford’s group, and others to exagerate the risk of “mass shootings”, that only convince conservatives that they need to do something to protect themselves from that “risk”.

    5. Stop telling us that only police should have guns and at the same time telling us all police are racist and cannot be trusted.

    When conservatives perceive a reduction in threat level, like any rational person, they choose to spend their resources doing other things instead of buying guns and “stockpiling” ammunition. When Leftist activists ratchet up the threats, real or imagined, then conservatives, like any rational person, take steps to protect themselves and their families from those threats.

    Of course there is no possibility of the Left doing any of those things since doing the opposite of those things are the current policy of the Democratic party.

    The Nation’s gun show will be in town against this weekend, (Chantilly Virginia). I fully expect long lines and vendors selling out their whole inventories in record time and crowds larger than anything seen since Obama was president.

    • unklc says:

      Professor, while I agree, generally, with your comments, I don’t think that a sizeable portion of the firearms owning public would ‘willingly give up their guns’ even if most of these ideas were enacted. There is a substantial number of folks involved with the sporting use of guns, collecting guns, etc.. Myself, I’m a collector and a bench shooter. I live in a fairly safe area and don’t worry much about invading criminals. I do own a pistol that could be described as a personal defense weapon, but only the one. No carry permit. The balance of my collection is antiques and precision firearms, why should I ‘give them up’ to satisfy some lefty’s dream?
      The left continues to demonize the ‘modern sporting rifle’ and seeks to ban them based on some ‘styles’ and features that they have little to no concept of why these features exist. Additionally, the left has no idea of the power of real hunting cartridges. I’ll stop here as I prefer to discuss firearms on firearm blogs with folks that know or wish to learn about the subject.
      Hope you have good hunting at the show this weekend, I scored a nice 50 y.o. 22Lr target rifle at a show last weekend, my first find in many months.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        No one is taking away all your guns. The 2nd Amendment and repeated Supreme Court cases assure that guns will not be banned.

        The problems with the AR-15 style is they are 1) the weapon of choice for mass shooters, militaries and police, NOT because they look scary, but because they handle better than hunting rifles. Why do they handle better? They are shorter, lighter with lower recoil. Dissipate heat beater. Are inexpensive. Are semi-auto for 2-3 shots per second. Accommodate high capacity magazines. Can accept flash suppressors. Have a pistol grip. Not particularly useful or safe for home defense. They’re designed to facilitate wholesale killing.

        The old tymie Supreme Court made personal machine guns and sawed off shotguns illegal.

        There are 10s of millions of AR-15 style rifles circulating in the US, so the idea of a ban is not feasible.

        Soooo… we will continue to lead the world in the slaughter of school kids. We will continue to lead the world in homicide rate (because of our ubiquitous handguns!).

        Homicides are the price we pay for freedom.

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