Rolling Stone Melts Down Over Trump Trying To Convince World Global Warming Is Good

Is a slight increase in global temperatures over 177 years good? Bad? Or, really, is it something Mankind can mostly do nothing about? Anyhow, I remember when Rolling Stone was counter culture and wasn’t into taking the Big Government POV


Windmills cause cancer. They’re killing birds and whales. Electric vehicles don’t work. Have you heard about the electric sharks? Climate change is a hoax. There are many things Donald Trump has said about climate change and renewable energy that are difficult to make sense of, but Trump’s newest line on climate change is both dumbfounding and truly dangerous: He is now determined to convince the world that climate change is a good thing.

Trump has certainly downplayed the effects of climate change in the past. He’s claimed rising sea levels will create more beachfront property, which would seem to be a misunderstanding of how land works. He’s talked about how people would actually be happy if it was a little warmer outside. Even Trump adviser Elon Musk, who runs an EV company, has downplayed the threat of climate change in recent months.

Now, Trump is aiming to use the power of the federal government to reframe climate change as something that will benefit humanity.

Trump is reportedly intent on rewriting an Environmental Protection Agency’s 2009 endangerment finding, which found greenhouse gases are a threat to public health and welfare, in order to downplay the negative effects of climate change. He’s working to decimate climate reporting in general. He also wants to muddy the waters by producing a National Climate Assessment written by climate deniers who argue that the impacts of climate change are overstated — or would even be a net positive.

Yeah, the Trump Derangement/pro-climate cult stuff continues on and on, but, consider: Mankind has done a whole lot better during Holocene warm periods than cool ones, for the most part. Empires rose during warm ones, collapsed during cool ones. Famine was worse during cool periods than warm ones. Mankind has moved further and faster during the Modern Warm Period than during any previous warm period. Of course, none of this matters to the Warmists.

Trump is reportedly intent on rewriting an Environmental Protection Agency’s 2009 endangerment finding, which found greenhouse gases are a threat to public health and welfare, in order to downplay the negative effects of climate change. He’s working to decimate climate reporting in general. He also wants to muddy the waters by producing a National Climate Assessment written by climate deniers who argue that the impacts of climate change are overstated — or would even be a net positive.

Obviously, I’m saving that graphic.

Read: Rolling Stone Melts Down Over Trump Trying To Convince World Global Warming Is Good »

If All You See…

…is a field that’s perfect to be replaced with a solar farm, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Watts Up With That?, with a post on ‘climate change’ to blame for the Myanmar earthquake.

Read: If All You See… »

Credentialed Media Shocked The Border Is Quiet

Will they come to the right conclusion as to why the border is rather quiet now?

California-Mexico border, once overwhelmed, now nearly empty

When the humanitarian aid workers decided to dismantle their elaborate tented setup — erected right up against the border wall — they hadn’t seen migrants for a month.

A year earlier, when historic numbers of migrants were arriving at the border, the American Friends Service Committee, a national Quaker-founded human rights organization, came to their aid. Eventually the group received enough donations to erect three canopies, where it stored food, clothing and medical supplies.

But migrant crossings have slowed to a near halt, bringing a striking change to the landscape along the southernmost stretch of California.

Shelters that once received migrants have closed, makeshift camps where migrants waited for processing are barren, and nonprofits have begun shifting their services to established immigrants in the U.S. who are facing deportation, or migrants stuck in southern Mexico.

Meanwhile, the Border Patrol, with the assistance of 750 U.S. military troops, has reinforced six miles of the border wall with concertina wire.

So, wait, all those things worked? I wonder who shut the border down and who left it open?

Border Patrol agents in the San Diego sector are now making about 30 to 40 arrests per day, according to the agency. That’s down from more than 1,200 per day during the height of migrant arrivals to the region in April.

So, 30 times less in just this sector, which already had a border wall up.

In May 2023, the Biden administration ended a pandemic-era policy under which migrants were denied the right to seek asylum and were rapidly returned to Mexico. In the leadup to the policy change, migrants descended on the border by the thousands.

Whoa. The LA Times uses the most Biden friendly way of saying that he opened the floodgates. But, he did it for humanitarian reasons, you know! He didn’t care about US citizens, but, he loves him some poor migrants (who spend thousands to tens of thousands to come to America from all over the world, including Islamic terrorists.

Stalnaker said federal prosecutors in San Diego had also accepted more than 1,000 border-related criminal cases this fiscal year. And following Trump’s tariff threats, Mexico vowed to send 10,000 National Guard troops to its northern border. Those troops now meet with U.S. agents a few times a week and conduct synchronous patrols on their respective sides of the border, Stalnaker said.

Oh, look, they finally mention Trump, the president who shut it down.

Farther east, Jacumba Hot Springs was once the site of additional open-air camps, where hundreds of migrants slept on plastic tarps (or in tents, if they were lucky) and huddled around campfires fueled by brush to stay warm.

Sam Schultz, a retired international relief worker who has lived near Jacumba for nine years, once made daily deliveries of water, hot meals and blankets to migrants there. When the camps popped up a few miles from his home, he felt compelled to help.

All these people and their groups are very upset that they are no longer getting tons of taxpayer money to help all the fake asylum seekers destroying America’s small towns. How much was used for payroll?

Immigrant Defenders Law Center, headquartered in Los Angeles, served migrants who were bused there from the border by the Texas governor; the group also provided legal help to those waiting in Tijuana for appointments with Customs and Border Protection. After his inauguration, President Trump quickly canceled existing appointments and ended use of a phone application used by the Biden administration to schedule them.

Finally, another mention of the guy who significantly reduced illegal immigration. Anyhow, there sure are lots of groups meant to help the fake asylum seekers/illegals, all getting government money, eh? Anyhow, it’s amazing what Trump was able to do without any sort of absurd legislation from Congress, right? It’s like the laws were already there.

Read: Credentialed Media Shocked The Border Is Quiet »

Bummer: More Americans Are Opting Out Of The Climate Cult

Maybe it’s just no longer as fashionable with Trump in office, and people are waking up

Growing Number of Americans ‘Aren’t Buying’ Climate Change Alarmism

Considering the massive propaganda effort to brainwash Americans into believing that climate change will doom humanity if we don’t stop burning fossil fuels yesterday, it is impressive to see just how little the American public buys the narrative.

A recent poll finds that Americans value energy independence, keeping car prices lower, and reducing the cost of electricity ahead of fighting climate change.

When asked, “Is it more important to make America energy independent or fight climate change?” most respondents (57%) chose energy independence, while another 39% chose climate change, and 4% said they were not sure.

When asked, “Which is more important, reducing greenhouse gas emissions to combat climate change, or keeping the price of cars low enough for families to afford them?” about half of respondents (50%) chose keeping car prices low, while 43% said reducing greenhouse gas emissions was more important. The remaining 7% said they were not sure.

When reality intrudes on the ability to live the high life and worry about bullshit make believe, the cares of Americans change. But, then, there are all those past polls where people who say They Care weren’t willing to make changes in their own lives nor want to see their own cost of living or taxes/fees go up.

When asked, “Which is more important, reducing greenhouse gas emissions or reducing the cost and improving the reliability of electricity and gas for American families?” respondents again rejected the climate goals. A majority (59%) said reducing energy cost and improving reliability was more important, while about a third (35%) chose the climate option. The remainder (5%) said they were not sure.

Even with the constant bleating from the media and elected officials for 35+ years, it’s not going well for the cult. But, never, ever think they will give up. They won’t.

Read: Bummer: More Americans Are Opting Out Of The Climate Cult »

Oh Noes: Orange Man Bad To Remove Nearly 200 Year Old Magnolia Tree From White House

This is so horrible!

White House to remove magnolia tree dating to Andrew Jackson

The White House will remove from its property a magnolia tree planted nearly 200 years ago with seeds said to have been brought from former President Jackson’s home in Tennessee.

Horrible! Of course, this is simply a TDS clickbait headline from The Hill, one meant for those suffering from TDS to see it and rage at Trump, without bothering to read the article, which was up near the top of page

President Trump announced Sunday that, after consulting with the Executive Residence Staff and the National Park Service, the administration has decided to replace the tree, saying it poses a safety hazard.

“The bad news is that everything must come to an end, and this tree is in terrible condition, a very dangerous safety hazard, at the White House Entrance, no less, and must now be removed,” Trump wrote in a post on Truth Social, noting that the “good news” is that his administration is “making tremendous enhancements to the White House.”

They been trying to save the tree for decades, but, it is toast. Trees do die. This is really much ado about nothing. Remember the complete freakout over Melania wanted to utterly destroy the rose garden, which was created in 1913? But, it ended up being them tearing it all up and making it more modern and replanting everything? Much like Jackie Kennedy did in the early 60s.

And everyone wonders why the media has lost all trust. And all the TDS, like this

Yeah, they were MIA with all that, and more. They sure didn’t have any criticism of Biden nor Obama.

Read: Oh Noes: Orange Man Bad To Remove Nearly 200 Year Old Magnolia Tree From White House »

If All You See…

…is a field full of flowers which will die because bees will die off from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post on the cause of earthquakes.

It’s ladies in fields day.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in Returned America. Baseball is back, the coyote is keeping quiet at night, and I’m walking a bit better on the damaged tendon. Still some pain, though. Not sure who this did this pinup. Maybe someone French?

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Victory Girls Blog: Dems Look to Commie Tag-Team of Bernie and AOC for 2028
  2. This ain’t Hell…: Trump effect: Germany taking defense spending and readiness seriously
  3. The Right Scoop: WATCH: Criminal lib MASTERMIND keys Nazi symbol on Tesla at gym, scans BADGE to work out AFTER he’s caught ON CAMERA!
  4. The Other McCain: Want My DNA? Get a Warrant
  5. The Lid: Sec. of State Rubio Delivers PERFECT Reply on Why Deporting Terrorist Students is a Good Thing
  6. The Last Refuge: Zelenskyy, With EU Support, Continues Looking for Any Excuse to Derail or Avoid Peace Talks – Rejects Mineral Deal, Demands EU Ascension and Security Guarantees
  7. The Hayride: Trump’s Executive Order on Election Integrity: A First Step, Not the Endgame
  8. The Gateway Pundit: RFK Jr. Moves to Cut Soda from List of Approved Food Stamp Purchases – Pay Attention to Who Is Fighting Him on It
  9. The First Street Journal: Once more, the Philly Inquirer goes all-in to support transgenderism
  10. The American Conservative: If Judges Can Stymie the Will of the People, We Don’t Have a Democracy Anymore (I never editorialize on these links, but, I will say, it makes an interesting point, but, there are times when judiciary does need to stop the will of the people when it violates the federal or state constitutions)
  11. Sultan Knish: Congressman Pleads With Congress to Stop Him Before He Trades Stocks Again
  12. Pacific Pundit: Anti Musk/Tesla boycott is an epic flop – commies needed scripts in large fonts for their repetitive chants!
  13. Moonbattery: Euthanasia for Autistic Children
  14. Legal Insurrection: Illegal Immigrant ‘Influencer’ Who Encouraged Freeloading and Squatting Finally Sent Back to Venezuela
  15. And last, but not least, IOTW Report: Afghan national brought to US by Biden admin jailed for brutally stabbing man 20+ times
  16. And one to grow on: Geller Report has Syria Now Controlled By ISIS: Mass Slaughter Continues, Upwards of 50,000 Killed

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

AP Incensed That Pro-Israel Groups Are Looking To Identify Jew Haters On Visas

Hey, maybe do not come to the U.S. and call for the deaths of Jews and Americans, for the destruction of Israel and America, take over buildings, and show support for a US designated terrorist group

Takeaways about groups working to identify and report foreign student protesters

When President Donald Trump signed an order calling for the deportation of foreign students who participated in “pro-jihadist” protests of the war in Gaza, some supporters of the crackdown were already working to identify targets for expulsion.

Here are some key takeaways about the efforts by pro-Israel private groups to expose protesters using facial recognition and other means, and to report them to federal authorities.

Private groups experiment with facial recognition to identify protesters

A right-wing Jewish group said it used facial-recognition software to identify campus protesters and included them on a list submitted to administration officials earlier this year, seeking deportation.

A New York computer engineer who has built a facial-recognition tool designed to identify masked protesters said he has talked with other pro-Israel groups about licensing the software for their own efforts.

The use of facial-recognition technology by private groups enters territory previously reserved largely for law enforcement, said attorney Sejal Zota, who represents a group of California activists in a lawsuit against facial-recognition company ClearviewAI.

In other words, they only want The State to be able to try and pick out people. Of course, I remember The State asking private citizens to snitch on people caught on camera from J6. People who mostly just walked around the Capitol Building peacefully, who weren’t wishing death on people.

It’s unclear whether names from outside groups have reached top government officials, who have said that more arrests of international students are coming. But concern about the pursuit of activists has risen since the March 8 arrest of Mahmoud Khalil, a Columbia University graduate student of Palestinian descent who helped lead demonstrations against Israel’s conduct of the war.

“Now they’re using tools of the state to actually go after people,” said a Columbia graduate student from South Asia who has been active in protests and spoke on condition of anonymity because of concerns about losing her visa.

Let me explain something to you, Sparky from South Asia (would that be a nation overrun by Islamists?): We The People are meant to be in charge. The government works for us, not the other way around.

Some supporters of deportation say they’re focused on students whose activities go beyond protest, pointing to those who incite violence or occupy campus buildings illegally.

“If you’re here, right, on a student visa causing civil unrest … assaulting people on the streets, chanting for people’s death, why the heck did you come to this country?” said Eliyahu Hawila, the software engineer whose company built the tool designed to identify masked protesters.

Well, yeah. But, Democrats, and these foreigners, want to have their cake and eat it too. Seriously, what’s wrong with identifying the rioters? They did not flinch from identifying Jewish students and threatening Jewish/Israel sympathizers. Doxxing them. Harassing them. Assaulting them. There’s zero reason we should allow people into the U.S. who support Islamic extremism and want to destroy America. They don’t assimilate. They expect us to change for them.

And maybe the press should realize that they are acting as Useful Idiots for Islamic radicalism.

Read: AP Incensed That Pro-Israel Groups Are Looking To Identify Jew Haters On Visas »

PRC Looking To Charge Fossil Fuels Companies For Climate Crisis (scam)

Will they also go after all the those companies providing at least 700 different products that are made with petroleum? Maybe those that make plastics for all the TVs and streaming boxes? All their fancy clothes they have for their “influencer photoshoots”? For their eyeglasses?

2 California bills seek to charge oil, gas companies for climate change

Insurance rates are rising quickly in California because of fires and floods linked to climate change and now, two new bills in Sacramento seek to make oil and gas companies pay.

The Affordable Insurance and Climate Recovery Act would create legal pathways for homeowners, insurance companies and the state insurance plan to sue and recover losses from oil and gas companies. (snip)

The Western States Petroleum Association called the bills a way for politicians to capitalize on tragedy. The California Independent Petroleum Association said the real culprits for the fires are arsonists, environmental lawsuits that prevent forest management, and cuts to firefighting budgets.

The fossil fuels companies wouldn’t stay in business if people weren’t purchasing their products.

Romero also supports the Polluters Pay Superfund bill, which would charge fossil fuel companies according to their role in climate change and invest in climate-resilient communities.

“It requires the California Environmental Protection Agency to do a report about the actual costs, both looking backwards and forwards, that climate change has caused to California in terms of our infrastructure, disaster response and things like that,” Romero outlined.

Might this be the straw that broke the camels back, where the fossil fuels companies simply say “hang it all, we are not suing, even though we have a good chance of winning in federal court, we’re just done with the People’s Republik Of California, and are no longer going to operate in the state”? How will the PRC operate all the huge number of airports? And seaports? Those ships and planes and helicopters need fuel. How will the Elites get to their cushy vacation spots? How will they operate emergency services? Etc and so on.

Read: PRC Looking To Charge Fossil Fuels Companies For Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on a Dem rep whining about the Tesla investigations.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove