Is a slight increase in global temperatures over 177 years good? Bad? Or, really, is it something Mankind can mostly do nothing about? Anyhow, I remember when Rolling Stone was counter culture and wasn’t into taking the Big Government POV
Windmills cause cancer. They’re killing birds and whales. Electric vehicles don’t work. Have you heard about the electric sharks? Climate change is a hoax. There are many things Donald Trump has said about climate change and renewable energy that are difficult to make sense of, but Trump’s newest line on climate change is both dumbfounding and truly dangerous: He is now determined to convince the world that climate change is a good thing.
Trump has certainly downplayed the effects of climate change in the past. He’s claimed rising sea levels will create more beachfront property, which would seem to be a misunderstanding of how land works. He’s talked about how people would actually be happy if it was a little warmer outside. Even Trump adviser Elon Musk, who runs an EV company, has downplayed the threat of climate change in recent months.
Now, Trump is aiming to use the power of the federal government to reframe climate change as something that will benefit humanity.
Trump is reportedly intent on rewriting an Environmental Protection Agency’s 2009 endangerment finding, which found greenhouse gases are a threat to public health and welfare, in order to downplay the negative effects of climate change. He’s working to decimate climate reporting in general. He also wants to muddy the waters by producing a National Climate Assessment written by climate deniers who argue that the impacts of climate change are overstated — or would even be a net positive.
Yeah, the Trump Derangement/pro-climate cult stuff continues on and on, but, consider: Mankind has done a whole lot better during Holocene warm periods than cool ones, for the most part. Empires rose during warm ones, collapsed during cool ones. Famine was worse during cool periods than warm ones. Mankind has moved further and faster during the Modern Warm Period than during any previous warm period. Of course, none of this matters to the Warmists.
Trump is reportedly intent on rewriting an Environmental Protection Agency’s 2009 endangerment finding, which found greenhouse gases are a threat to public health and welfare, in order to downplay the negative effects of climate change. He’s working to decimate climate reporting in general. He also wants to muddy the waters by producing a National Climate Assessment written by climate deniers who argue that the impacts of climate change are overstated — or would even be a net positive.
Obviously, I’m saving that graphic.
Read: Rolling Stone Melts Down Over Trump Trying To Convince World Global Warming Is Good »