Rusty at The Jawa Report is looking to get a Fatwa, and so am I. Here is my humble (sure) submission to the Karnival of the Koran Krapping.
Pirate thong included at no extra charge.
 Rusty at The Jawa Report is looking to get a Fatwa, and so am I. Here is my humble (sure) submission to the Karnival of the Koran Krapping.
Pirate thong included at no extra charge.
Aim low, aim true, aim with pride!
LOL . . . this damn Koran-gate is out of hand. My question to the world is “so f’in what??”
Aye, Welcome to the Karnival, mate.
Karnival of the Koran Krapping (UPDATED: Now even more offensive!!)
You have been invited to participate in a baton-toss at this location:
The baton has been tossed to you.
Happy memorial day!
zabi a zwalam alihid atfo a3la amkom alla izanzalkom sofa nara fikom yaoman
zabi a zwalam alihid atfo a3la amkom alla izanzalkom sofa nara fikom yaoman