It’s that time of the week again! Deaft, the Official Surrender Monkey is still on vacation, but I was able to capture video of him doing his best Brokeback Mountain impersonation.
Do you have an interesting post you want to share with everyone? The official Surrender Monkey of the Democratic Party’s brother says to do what the Lefties don’t, since they all have the same talking points: link it!
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Others: Right Wing Nation, Basil’s Picnic, Blue Star Chronicles, Cao’s Blog, The Liberal Wrong Wing, TMH’s Bacon Bits

Poll: 26% of Americans are Kooks…
Poll: 26% suspect they’ve been wiretapped
WASHINGTON (CNN) — One in four Americans think it is likely that the government has listened to their phone calls, according to a CNN poll conducted by Opinion Research Corporation….
Google Trends Tell The Tale…
. . . we now know what countries lead the world in searches for certain terms on Google.
Care to guess what country leads the world in Google searches for goat sex? Or animal sex? . . ….
[…] Tracked back to Cao’s Blog, The Liberal Wrong Wing, TMH’s Bacon Bits, Pirate’s Cove, Blue Star Chronicles […]
TGIF — Pilots: Air Force vs. Navy…
I found this a few months ago while cruising some blogs (I can’t remember which one, now). This is quite funny. I hope you enjoy it.
The piece is wri…
Good Stuff!…
Here’s some good stuff from some of my favorite blogs…Enjoy!…
Weekend (Open) Must-Read List…
– Living in the World of Thatcher & Reagan
Michael Barone, RealClear Politics
– Out of Touch: Bush & “Da Vinci Code”
Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal
– Feeding the hand that bites them
Mark Steyn,
► Cruisin’ (Cruisin’, Pa…
[…] Trackback Inognidddove! : The Right Nation, StopTheACLU, Pirate’s Cove, The Businnes of America is Businnes, Right Wing Nation, Blue Star Chronicles. […]