Place this one squarely in the realm of pure idiocy
WASHINGTON, Dec. 27 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The Council on American-
Islamic Relations (CAIR) today welcomed an announcement by the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) that it has provided special training about Islamic traditions related to the Hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca, to some 45,000 airport security officers.The TSA cultural sensitivity training includes details about the timing of Hajj travel, about items pilgrims may be carrying and about Islamic prayers that may be observed by security personnel.
Earlier this month, CAIR advised those going on Hajj to be aware of their civil and legal rights as airline passengers. CAIR's "Your Rights and Responsibilities as an American Muslim" pocket guide states: "As an airline passenger, you are entitled to courteous, respectful and non stigmatizing treatment by airline and security personnel. You have the right to complain about treatment that you believe is discriminatory."
"We welcome the fact that airport security officers nationwide will now be better informed about Islamic traditions relating to Hajj," said CAIR Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper. "This proactive effort on the part of the Transportation Security Administration demonstrates that there is no contradiction between the need to maintain airline safety and security and the duty to protect the religious and civil rights of airline passengers."
Hooper said representatives of CAIR chapters nationwide have met with TSA, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials on issues related to cultural sensitivity and national security.
I wonder how it would go if the TSA was given instruction on Christian or Jewish traditions, so as to be more sensitive?
This should make it easier for those Muslims who wish to either cause an issue on a plane or just freak out the passengers, eh? When will people learn that being sensitive and namby pamby to Muslims, who have been involved in the vast majority of terrorist acts over the last 20+ years, emboldens them?
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