Happy Friday to all! It's that time of the week again! Do you have an interesting post you want to share with everyone? The official Surrender Monkey of the Democratic Party says to do what the Lefties don’t, since they all have the same talking points: link it!
Yes, that is, in fact, the conclusion of many, many, many of the Lefties. See, it is being reported that Saddam could be hanged as soon as Sunday (h/t Hot Air). And the DUmmies feel (never say think)
- It's not about Saddam – it's about us. And what kind of people are we? What kind of people would permit their leaders to do what our leaders have done? In our name! In your name and in my name! What kind of people would permit a Congress as obedient as a puppy licking your face?…This is about a crime that went wrong. I could think of 4 or 5 people that should be standing on the gallows with Saddam Hussein. Unfortunately, they have used the naivete of the American people and the power of the US military to escape their just desserts.
- No, it's about Saddam …and what he could spill on U.S. leaders.
- Kill Saddam? Not in my name. Saddam is a saint compared to *. Kill Saddam's killer.
- The day of Saddam's execution will mark a dark day in American history, where we were made-as a people-coarser and more like those we have historically condemned. It sickens me.
There are a few more choice comments in that thread, but, how about in this one?
- He (Bush) is worse than Saddam and yet he walks free
- Follow that Ford. Pardon Saddam and let the nation heal. After all, the media are saying that pardoning Nixon saved America from years of political instability and cynicism. Our country just wasn't strong enough to withstand an examination of the truth!!
And this Hufftardian post
- The Bush crime family wants him DEAD, now! He's threatening to squeak on them. He knows too much!
- ……….what a travesty………..
- Say it aint so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was hoping he would avoid the noose.
- When does bush get handed over to the War Crimes Tribunal?
- Evil is as Evil does. Bush, Cheney, Rice and the State of Israel, do this deed and innocent people will pay for it. Israel wants Saddam dead because he rewarded the suicide bomber's family after the bombings, but the Palestinians were not bombing the Israelis for monetary reward. We all know that if they can get away with it they do it for free and for the freedom of their country……..At least Saddam did what he did for the protection of his country and what he believes are "Allah's" wishes, while Bush, Cheney, Rice, etc., have no excuse.
There you have it, the Lefty viewpoint. Sad.
PS: Fox News TV is reporting that Saddam will be handed over to the Iraqi gov't today. Cool.
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