Or, as the Washington Post puts it, Democrats alter plan to restrict Iraq war
Senior House Democrats, seeking to placate members of their party from Republican-leaning districts, are pushing a plan that would place restrictions on President Bush's ability to wage the war in Iraq but would allow him to waive them if he publicly justifies his position.
Under the proposal, Bush would also have to set a date to begin troop withdrawals if the Iraqi government fails to meet benchmarks aimed at stabilizing the country that the president laid out in January.
The plan is an attempt to bridge the differences between anti-war Democrats, led by Rep. John P. Murtha (Defeatocrat-Pa.), who have wanted to devise standards of troop readiness strict enough to force Bush to delay some deployments and bring some troops home, and Democrats wary of seeming to place restrictions on the president's role as commander in chief.
"Resolution after resolution, Bill after Bill." All in an attempt to end the war precipitously, without winning. To mix metaphors, the Democrats want to pull the team off the field during the 7th Inning Stretch while up 7-3.
Now, though, the Defeatocrats are taking a different tact
But unlike last month, when nonbinding language expressing opposition to Bush's troop increase plan was blocked by GOP procedural objections, Democrats this time intend to give Republicans broad latitude to offer their own Iraq-related measures. If Republicans go along, the result could be a remarkably robust and wide-open debate — but nothing of consequence is likely to pass.
Way to stand by your, well, can't say guns, how about wet noodles?, Democrats. They continue to play political games with the lives of our soldiers and the security of the United States.
But any dilution of Murtha's original proposal is likely to infuriate the antiwar wing of the party, which wants dramatic action now. After a conference call yesterday, antiwar and labor groups all but gave up on Murtha's approach, concluding they could only support a war-funding "supplemental" bill if it contains a deadline for withdrawing troops.
To put it un-politely, it will send the Nutroots and hard left into meltdown mode. Conniption fits. Psychopathy. Infuriation. Utter seething.
Captain Ed puts it nicely
All of this maneuvering takes place because the Democrats lack the courage to actually take the one step that could do what they want and end the American military involvement in Iraq. And they wonder why the American people don't trust them on national security.
Even Democrats do not believe in their "mandate."
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Hey Murtha retreatist – You’re no Patton!
“If we let Germany and the German people be completely disintegrated and starved, they will certainly fall for Communism and the fall of Germany for Communism, and will
write the epitaph of Democracy in the United States…All Nazis are bad, but not all Germans are Nazis!”
“Success in war depends on the “golden rules of war”: Speed, Simplicity and Boldness.”
**** General George S. Patton Jr. 1943
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Liberal Democrats Revolt on Iraq Spending Bill, Pelosi Has A Big Problem!…
The Politico has this piece which I encourage you to read(I clipped from the piece):
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is facing a full-blown revolt from liberal House Democrats over the $98 billion Iraq supplemental bill, according to Democratic insider…
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Militant Ideology Atlas…
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wheres my sign?!
Thomas Paine to Defeatocrat Socialists:
“It is the madness of folly, to expect mercy from those who have refused to do justice; and even mercy where conquest is the object, is only a trick of war; the cunning of the fox is as murderous as the violence of the wolf!” – Thomas Paine on December 19, 1776
Just take a look at Hillary’s face…Woof?
Terrorists? Let’s chat
First Edition of The Carnival of Christian Advice…
Welcome to the March 6, 2007 edition of carnival of christian advice. Submissions for April are due on the Friday closest to the last day of the month and the next carnival comes out the first Tuesday in April.
Dred Scott and Abortion…
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Bribes are taxable income…
One recently resigned West Palm Beach City Commissioner is finding that out just now.
West Palm Beach · Former City Commissioner James Exline will be charged today with knowingly filing a false federal tax return….
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The good news: I’ve finally m…
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[…] to Pirate’s Cove, Leaning Straight Up, Faultline USA, Conservative Cat, stikNstein… has no mercy, Adam’s […]
Blogs For Borders Vburst 030607…
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Liberty, Equality, Fraternity?…
Monsieur and Madamoiselle readers………So sorry to inform you… we may be missing out on these stories and photos from zee Frenchies..
So You want to be your Own Boss…
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1) What business should I go into?
2) I want to sell “X” what’s the best way to do that?…
Illegal Crossings Fell 58 to 78 Percent…
Photo Credit: Denver Post
From the Denver Post comes an interesting piece of news on the open border problem. In Eagle Pass it has gone from Illegals manipulating the system to becoming a section of the border to be avoided.
Cross border, head to jail….
And the Verdict Is……
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Scooter Libby – convicted…
This long drawn out trial, the crown jewel for some partisans…
Santorum for Vice President … Now!…
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UK Mullah Advocates Beheading…
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Truth and Hope Report: Tuesday Night Talk…
On tonight’s podcast, I talk about how partisanship is motivating the reaction to the Scooter Libby verdict, the “trans woman” who is upset at liberal attacks on Ann Coulter, the conservative call to wake up in 2008, and why parents need to monitor …
New Democrats? Right, When Pigs Fly…
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TOAST IS BACK……Hot and Crispy with lots of Buttery Goodness….woot!…
Real butter, not buttery spread, coupled with Crusty genius is a rare combination…&…
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From the Drudge Report, And here is the NYT link:
Less than two months after ascending to the U.S. Senate, Barack Obama bought more than $50,000 worth of stock in two speculative companies whose major investors included some of his biggest political do…
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New Weapon Against Global Warming…
Easy to be Green is the company that sells those carbon footprint offsets that the hollywood-types are using so they can continue their opulent lifestyles without guilt. They are really working double duty coming up with ways to separate you from you…..
[…] world county, Faultline USA, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, stikNstein… has no mercy, Pirate’s Cove, Blue Star Chronicles, Overtaken by Events, The Pink Flamingo, Planck’s Constant, Dumb Ox […]
Doozie of the Day: Keith Elli-son…
Oh right, Ali Elli-son… the immorality of the west is the reason for ji-had. We forgot.
The Warren Township student sex scandal gets stonewalled then defended: No danger to the kids says attorney for the State DOE…
And that bugs the hell out of me. Once again the public school system has stepped in front of the families and decided what is and isn’t appropriate. They have become the moral conscience of the families, not the parents.
And if there is any burn…
Rosie O’Donnell versus American Idol…
Trouble is brewing between Rosie O’Donnell and American Idol on Fox. Rosie has been throwing her weight around lately, but stacking her weight against the enormity of American Idol’s ratings results in an even match on a pound per pound ba…
[…] world county, Faultline USA, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, stikNstein… has no mercy, Pirate’s Cove, Overtaken by Events, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, Planck’s Constant, Dumb Ox […]
03/08/07: World Opinion…
If a poll of 27 different countries concludes that the United States should jump in a lake, that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea…….
[…] Pursuing Holiness, Conservative Thoughts, Rightlinx, Faultline USA, stikNstein… has no mercy, Pirate’s Cove, Overtaken by Events, Planck’s Constant, Dumb Ox Daily News, High Desert Wanderer, and Right […]