This is the problem with Democrats (well, one of them): they are at war with Republicans. Not so much with nations that pose a danger. Just call them the Chamberlain Party
Presidential hopeful Delaware Sen. Joe Biden stated unequivocally that he will move to impeach President Bush if he bombs Iran without first gaining congressional approval.
Biden spoke in front of a crowd of approximately 100 at a candidate forum held Thursday at Seacoast Media Group. The forum focused on the Iraq war and foreign policy. When an audience member expressed fear of a war with Iran, Biden said he does not typically engage in threats, but had no qualms about issuing a direct warning to the Oval Office.
“The president has no authority to unilaterally attack Iran, and if he does, as Foreign Relations Committee chairman, I will move to impeach,” said Biden, whose words were followed by a raucous applause from the local audience.
Biden said he is in the process of meeting with constitutional law experts to prepare a legal memorandum saying as much and intends to send it to the president.
Spectacular! Biden is more concerned with Bush, who has a little less then 14 months left in office, rather then Iran, one of the worlds preeminent terror supporting countries, who is most certainly looking to gain the ability to creat their own nuclear weapons, who has been helping in the attacks on our troops in Iraq, and wants to wipe out Israel. Let’s also not forget that we have been The Great Satan to them since 1979, and they want complete control of the Middle East, which would do serious harm to the world economy if they play with the oil.
But Biden is so concerned with the possibility that President Bush, also known, per the United States Constitution, as The Commander In Chief (Article II, Section 2,) which is one of the only duties actually outlined in the Constitution, may bomb Iran’s nuclear facility, that he is actually meeting with “constitutional law experts.” If only the little Chamberlain was as concerned with Iran.
But, hey, you can trust Democrats on national security!
Biden said the best deterrent to prevent pre-emptive military action in Iran is to make it clear, even if it is at the end of his final term, action will be taken against Bush to ensure “his legacy will be marred for all time.”
Republicans get lobbied by businesses. Democrats apparently get lobbied by countries that consider themselves enemies to America.
You know what? I am actually getting seriously pissed off writing this. Seeing a presidential contender and high ranking Congressional Democrat essentially sell the security of the USA down the river, again, really makes me mad.
Apparently, there was lots of conversation about impeachment during Bidens meet and greet in New Hampshire. F’ing moonbats! I have to wonder how Biden is going to get around that little Constitutional thing where starting impeachment is a House function, not a Senate function.
My litle buddy has a message for Biden:
Oh, and speaking of impeachment, apparently, Babs Boxer just needs to MoveOn.
Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, Rosemary’s Thoughts, AZAMATTEROFACT, 123beta, Adam’s Blog, Right Truth, Stuck On Stupid, The Bullwinkle Blog, The Amboy Times, Big Dog’s Weblog, Adeline and Hazel, The Uncooperative Radio Show! Special Weekend!, Nuke’s, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, CORSARI D’ITALIA, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, Church and State, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

CentCom Round-up and other news…
There are some articles which seem to miss the newspapers and dead news for which I deem important, therefore I will be sharing them with you. Our Military is doing one heck of a job, and they deserve any and all recognition we can offer them…
Maybe I’m taking naps again but I didn’t hear Bush say anything about declaring war on Iran. All I’ve heard is I’malittlewad and Hughoo babbling. They like Biden and the rest of them need to get over themselves. Joe, drop out no one is going to vote for you. Give it up. Save your money. Get on down to the rest home and behave yourself. Please take your friends with you. Maybe your Depends are to full. Have someone check that out for you. You are really an embarrassment. Maybe a little stinky too.
Teach, sorry I have no patience left. Bear with me I’m sure I’ll get a grip again.