Happy Sunday! Another fantastic, albeit rainy, day in America. Though, we need the rain badly here in North Carolina. It is almost baseball time! Do you have your antenna’s ready for the reception? This fine lady by Gil Elvgren is making sure hers is .
What is happening out in ye olde Interwebz?
- Roger L. Simon exposes liberal twisted knickers over that pro-GOP media
- Sister Toldjah exposes another insane liberal film, this one about Dubya
- Over at Newsbusters, we find that Time Magazine (which is dramatically losing circulation), is going all libtard on Fox News
- The Purple Avenger (Ace Of Spades) discusses some facts about Antarctica
- The end of civilization is discussed by The American Princess
- 12 suicide bombers killed by American troops. See Blame Bush for the 411
- Blogs for Victory explains why Spitzer (D-NY) really resigned
- Psycmeister’s Ice Palace proves that Dems give aid and comfort to the enemy
- Via Cat House Chat, we find that Kevin of the Amboy Times was threatened. Can you guess by whom?
- Flight Pundit exposes more of the Haditha case falling apart
- Gateway Pundit asks if The Goracle can save the DNC after saving the planet. Only if there is money involved
- Radical Muslims trying to obtain killer virus’? You betcha. Check Jihad Watch
- Bugs and whale puke? Huh? Raven has the low down
- Jammie Wearing Fool exposes pantsuits and death matches
- and last, but not least, Captain Ed (Hot Air) exposes what the Mayor of Philly thinks of Obama’s church
As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page. While we are on pinups, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets†calendar yet?

Who the heck needs cable TV anyway? WOW, what reception matey! She made the ALL MADDEN TEAM Blackbeard. My kind of woman, housewife and nylon clad ladder climber. Can’t wait for the … autumn leaves to fall. Go Nj Devils in a close stretch drive Teach! The Flyers have the Devils and Pens in their last two games.