Unhinged Liz Cheney Loses Badly, Compares Herself To Lincoln In Ungracious Concession Speech

So far, of the 10 Democrat helping GOP representatives who voted to impeach Trump the 2nd time, 4 decided not to run again, 2 will be running in November, and 4 have been ousted, with the latest being Cheney. Even with all the help from Democrats

Her concession speech may have violated campaign finance rules, due to an in-kind donation from a former CNN exec, Jeff Zeleny, who advises the moonbat J6 committee. And

Rep. Liz Cheney compares herself to Abraham Lincoln following resounding defeat in Wyoming primary

Following her primary election defeat to Harriet Hageman Tuesday evening, Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., used her concession speech to compare herself to former President Abraham Lincoln and hinted that her future in politics might not be finished just yet.

“The great and original champion of our party, Abraham Lincoln, was defeated in elections for the Senate and the House before he won the most important election of all,” Cheney told a crowd of supporters in Jackson, Wyoming. “Lincoln ultimately prevailed, he saved our union, and he defined our obligation as Americans for all of history.”

“Speaking at Gettysburg of the great task remaining before us, Lincoln said that, ‘We here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from this earth.’ As we meet here tonight, that remains our greatest and most important task,” she added.

Good grief, thinking a bit highly of herself, eh?

Trump added that “Liz Cheney is a fool who played right into the hands of those who want to destroy our Country!”

She’s basically been helping Democrats, who, supposedly want things opposite of what Cheney believes in, just like the other #NeverTrumpers

In her victory speech, Hageman vowed to be accountable to the citizens of Wyoming and said that she was “sick and tired of not having a voice in the U.S. House of Representatives,” referring to Cheney.

“Wyoming has sent the message that if you are going to claim to live in Wyoming, you better damn well live in Wyoming,” Hageman said. “Wyoming has drawn a line in the sand that we put you in power, you will be accountable to us, you will answer to us, you will do what is in our best interests, and if you don’t, we will fire you.”

Can anyone name how Cheney helped Wyoming? Hence why she lost the primary election 66.3 to 28.9, with 99% in. Loony Tunes even quoted Martin Luther King, Jr

(NY Times) That was evident in her paraphrase of a quote popularized by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. — “It has been said that the long arc of history bends toward justice and freedom. That’s true, but only if we make it bend” — and even more so a few minutes later, when she turned her attention to the Civil War.

Good grief. And

In the spring of 1864, after the Union suffered more than 17,000 casualties in the Battle of the Wilderness, Gen. Ulysses S. Grant had a choice, Ms. Cheney said: to retreat or to keep fighting.

“As the fires of the battles still smoldered, Grant rode to the head of the column,” she said. “He rode to the intersection of Brock Road and Orange Plank Road. And there, as the men of his army watched and waited, instead of turning north, back toward Washington and safety, Grant turned his horse south toward Richmond and the heart of Lee’s army. Refusing to retreat, he pressed on to victory.”

General Grant, President Abraham Lincoln “and all who fought in our nation’s tragic Civil War, including my own great-great-grandfathers, saved our union,” Ms. Cheney said. “Their courage saved freedom, and if we listen closely, they are speaking to us down through generations. We must not idly squander what so many have fought and died for.”

Yet, she was devoutly helping those who want to turn the U.S. into a Progressive (nice Fascism) paradise.

Read: Unhinged Liz Cheney Loses Badly, Compares Herself To Lincoln In Ungracious Concession Speech »

Surprise: Record Warming In 1954 Doesn’t Disprove Anthropogenic Climate Doom

Nothing can possibly disprove the hypothesis of anthropogenic climate change/global warming, hence, it is a Belief, not a science

Record heat in 1954 does not disprove global warming

Social media posts claim a US heatwave in the summer of 1954 proves global warming is “only an agenda.” This is false; temperatures did break records in the Midwest that year, but experts say isolated weather events do not disprove the science of climate change, which has made heatwaves more frequent and intense.

“There was no ‘GLOBAL WARMING’ or ‘CLIMATE CHANGE’ agenda in 1954. The current rhetoric is only an agenda about power control and wealth redistribution,” says a July 28, 2022 Facebook post, which includes a photo of a newspaper article. “Stories like this are part of the reason they have backed off teaching history in public schools.”

Similar claims have circulated on Twitter here and here. As evidence, the posts cite a July 16, 2022 column in The Joplin Globe, a daily newspaper in Missouri.

“As hot as it is this summer, 1954 was so much worse,” the headline says.

But the posts misinterpret the article, which does not mention climate change. And scientists say global warming is making heatwaves more frequent and intense.

“No individual heat wave can prove or disprove global warming,” said Maren Hale, a climate researcher at the University of California-San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

Except, the same people are proclaiming that the current heat waves in the Northern Hemisphere are being caused by/made worse by ‘climate change’, just like they say every time there is one. Meanwhile, in the Southern Hemisphere, they are cold and wet.

In the column shared online, historian Brad Belk of Missouri Southern State University recalled his experience of summer 1954.

Belk is not a scientist and did not express opinions related to climate change. Instead, he mentioned the heatwave’s consequences on the local population and infrastructure.

Biden is not a scientist. Nor is Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama, Al Gore, Bill Nye, or so many others, yet, we’re supposed to listen to them. ‘Climate change’ and global warming were not concerns back in 1954, people had more common sense and weren’t captured by a doomsday cult. It was just weather. These cultists will accept no data, no facts, nothing, because it is a Belief.

Read: Surprise: Record Warming In 1954 Doesn’t Disprove Anthropogenic Climate Doom »

Here Are 4 Ways The IRA Will Kick In Immediately

I’m sure there’s something about reducing inflation, right?

Inflation Reduction Act: 4 ways it will kick in right away

The signing Tuesday of the Inflation Reduction Act is set to kick off a parade of action from the Biden administration and other Democrats to sell the bill to the public. While some analysis shows it won’t meaningfully reduce inflation, the so-called IRA will devote hundreds of billions of dollars toward fighting climate change, reducing prescription drug costs, and cutting the deficit.

President Joe Biden and others will fan out around the U.S. in the coming weeks to discuss the bill, according to the White House — with Cabinet members traveling to 23 states just this month.

The coming Democratic message will likely focus on the aspects of the bill that could improve Americans’ lives immediately — including tax credits for electric vehicles and energy-efficient home improvements and key health care provisions.

Strange, they won’t be discussing how it can reduce inflation that is harming the working and middle classes? About how it will bring down food prices?

Here are the ways that the bill could be felt by November’s midterm elections — and what will take years.

  • Tax credits for energy related home improvements (if you can afford it, what with prices going up on all that stuff, and whether you actually need it. It will probably increase inflation as market forces cause prices to go up)
  • Expanded EV tax credits (great for the upper middle class and up. The majority of EV buyers make at least $150k-$200K a year. It won’t reduce inflation)
  • Health care changes (while it’s great to cap Insulin to $35 a month, that’s only for Medicare. And more government money for Obamacare, while the rest of us have to pay full boat. It won’t help inflation)
  • Oil drilling provisions (Who’s actually expecting Biden and the bureaucrats to allow this to actually happen? This is the one thing that could decrease inflation, but, it wouldn’t be soon, and, it won’t be allowed to happen)

So, really, nothing that helps the middle and working classes

In total, the bill is not expected to have a sizable impact on inflation. The Penn Wharton Budget Model recently predicted that the effort would slightly increase inflation until 2024 and then decrease it afterwards. Other studies have found modest deflation as a result of the bill.

It’s not clear whether the IRA will help Democrats during the midterm elections in November, though the president is projecting optimism. Biden recently said he expected it to help Democrats’ political fortunes because even the parts that are “not going to kick in for a little bit” will still be “really game-changing for ordinary folks.”

Is game changing now meant to denote “raise your cost of living and force you to purchase things you don’t want and can’t really afford”?

Read: Here Are 4 Ways The IRA Will Kick In Immediately »

Brandon To Sign Major Climate (scam), Health, And Tax Bill In Between Fossil Fueled Flights

The Credentialed Media isn’t even trying to portray the IRA as an inflation reduction bill

Biden to sign major health, climate and tax bill Tuesday at White House ceremony

President Joe Biden plans to sign the Democrats’ massive climate, health and tax bill into law on Tuesday at the White House, marking a major accomplishment for his domestic agenda less than three months before midterm elections.

Biden will deliver remarks and sign the bill, known as the Inflation Reduction Act, at an event in the White House’s State Dining Room, the White House announced Monday.

It will likely be a smaller ceremony, with Congress out of session and most members involved in the bill’s passage out of town.

Taking advantage of some political momentum, Biden is interrupting his summer vacation for the signing just days after the House approved the measure, following Senate passage by just one vote amid some political drama. He has spent much of the past week in South Carolina.

Wait, what’s that about vacation?

Let me get this straight: Joe will take a fossil fueled motorcade from his fancy pants vacation rental to the Charleston airport, fly to D.C. (did he take the jumbo jet down, or the smaller presidential plane? Did the backup jumbo jet go with? How about protection from fossil fueled fighter jets?), be flown by fossil fueled helicopter to the White House, then turn around and take a fossil fueled helicopter flight to New Castle a few hours later, followed by a fossil fueled motorcade to his house after signing a bill that’s all about climate crisis (scam) stuff? And not one reporter will ask “Mr. President, if Doing Something about ‘climate change’ is so important, why aren’t you changing your own behavior?”

Read: Brandon To Sign Major Climate (scam), Health, And Tax Bill In Between Fossil Fueled Flights »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded by climate crisis induced Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on being a banana republic.

Read: If All You See… »

Trump Wants Raid Affidavit Released, DOJ Is 100% Against Idea

Is Trump winging it here, or, does he have an idea what’s in the affidavit?

Former President Trump gives first interview since FBI’s Mar-a-Lago raid, vows to ‘help country’

Former President Trump called for the immediate release of the “completely unredacted” Mar-a-Lago affidavit in a late night post on Truth Social.

Trump said the move would be in the interest of “TRANSPARENCY.”

“There is no way to justify the unannounced RAID of Mar-a-Lago, the home of the 45th President of the United States (who got more votes, by far, than any sitting President in the history of our Country!), by a very large number of gun toting FBI Agents, and the Department of ‘Justice,'” Trump wrote on Truth Social. “But, in the interest of TRANSPARENCY, I call for the immediate release of the completely Unredacted Affidavit pertaining to this horrible and shocking BREAK-IN.”

Trump also called for the judge on the case to be recused from the case.

It would be very interesting to see the affidavit, because so many of the investigations into Trump and his people, happening since 2016, were based on false/manufactured/ginned up information, starting with the whole Russia Russia Russia investigation. Crossfire Hurricane. The pee tapes. Spying on a presidential candidate. Abuse of targets. And so much more

Trump’s post comes after the Justice Department filed a motion opposing the release of the affidavit that was used to justify the search of Mar-a-Lago.

“If disclosed, the affidavit would serve as a roadmap to the government’s ongoing investigation, providing specific details about its direction and likely course, in a manner that is highly likely to compromise future investigative steps,” the 13-page filing says.

“The fact that this investigation implicates highly classified materials further underscores the need to protect the integrity of the investigation and exacerbates the potential for harm if information is disclosed to the public prematurely or improperly.”

Wait, I thought the news and Democrats were saying that it didn’t really involve classified documents? Regardless, there had been negotiations for months, Trump had declassified most, if not all, as he can do when being president, and Team Trump had been cooperating. This wasn’t done for Obama’s 30k documents. This is continuing to look like a partisan fishing expedition. Heck, a couple of agents could have shown up with a warrant to look at the material, all nice and quiet, not a pre-dawn raid with lots and lots of agents to be shown on the Trump hating Credentialed media outlets. If this was against, say, Obama, the NY Times, among others, would be running furious opinion pieces, not a “straight news” article trying to defend the DOJ.

Many are thinking this has to do with the FBI and DOJ protecting themselves, along with previous employees, and Hillary Clinton

Read: Trump Wants Raid Affidavit Released, DOJ Is 100% Against Idea »

Your Fault: U.S. To Soon Have “Extreme Heat Belts” Or Something

By soon, they mean 2053. Unless you are forced to pay a tax and take out long loans for an EV

A quarter of the U.S. will fall inside an extreme heat belt. Here are the states in the red zone.

Last month, just as record-setting heat waves scorched the U.K. and parts of Europe, some 60 million Americans experienced a string of hot and humid days that topped 100 degrees.

Prepare for more of these extremes.

New research and an accompanying planning tool show that across the U.S., on average, the local hottest 7 days are expected to become the hottest 18 days by 2053.

By that year, 1,023 U.S. counties are expected to exceed 125°F, an area that is home to 107.6 million Americans and covers a quarter of the U.S. land area, says nonprofit First Street.

First Street on Monday released the latest installment of a tool called Risk Factor that’s accessible free of charge, and increasingly incorporated into real estate listings, specifically through a partnership with Realtor.com.

Here’s what it looks like, per the pain in the butt formatted Axios piece, with all their bullet points, which have to be changed up to work with WordPress. The graphic is interactive at the link

I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that most of those areas vote Republican, right? They aren’t trying to bring the scaremongering in a way to influence Republicans, right? Hopefully it means Liberals will stay away

According to First Street, the most severe shift in local temperatures is found in Miami-Dade county in Florida where the seven hottest days, currently at 103°F, will increase to 34 days at that same temperature by 2053.


What’s more, the First Street model finds 50 counties, home to 8.1 million residents, are expected to experience temperatures above 125°F in 2023, the highest level of the National Weather Services’ heat index.

So, next year? Who’s held responsible for the scaremongering? Who is held responsible at news organizations publishing this doomsaying with zero pushback, zero accountability, zero skepticism, zero making them prove it? Will all the news outlets publishing this follow up to see the results next year?

By 2053, 1,023 counties, about 25% of the total U.S., are expected to exceed 125°F. This emerging area, concentrated in a geographic region that First Street calls the “extreme heat belt,” stretches from the northern Texas and Louisiana borders to Illinois, Indiana, and even into Wisconsin.

The piece is sorta leaving out that it will be the heat index, not the actual temperature. It’s very convenient using a timeframe that no one will remember. Much seems arbitrary. Why Wilson, Durham, Harnett, Nash, and Orange counties yes in 2053, but, not Wake, right in the middle of them? Which has a higher population, higher growth, and more urbanization and suburbanization?

Read: Your Fault: U.S. To Soon Have “Extreme Heat Belts” Or Something »

Only 12% Of Americans Think IRA Will Reduce Inflation

If we’re lucky, it won’t increase inflation. Though, screwing around with energy production most likely will spike it short term

The Big Lie Failed: Just 12% of Americans Think the Inflation Reduction Act Will Reduce Inflation

The Democrats named their tax and spending bill the Inflation Reduction Act, but Americans are not buying it.

The law was hastily thrown together after Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) struck a deal with Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to vote for a bill that would increase spending by hundreds of billions of dollars and increase taxes by even more. Although both the Congressional Budget Office and the Penn-Wharton Budget Model say the bill will do next to nothing for inflation, Democrats have been bragging that the bill is already working.

Polling from the Economist and YouGov indicates that the American public does not believe the bill will bring down inflation.

Just 12 percent of Americans say the bill will reduce inflation. Forty percent say it will increase inflation. Twenty-three percent say it will do nothing. Twenty-five percent say they are not sure what the effect would be.

Even Democrat think it won’t help, with just 25% saying it will reduce inflation. Just 7% of Independents think it will reduce inflation. And, bad news with the mid-terms coming, 41% of Independents say it will make inflation worse.


Two Thirds of Biden Voters Have a Dim View of U.S. Economy

President Joe Biden’s attempts to talk up the U.S. economy are not convincing many American. Not even his own supporters.

The most recent polling from the Economist and YouGov shows that 66 percent of Biden voters say the economy is either poor or fair. Only five percent say the economy is excellent and 28 percent describe it as good.

Forty-three percent of Biden voters say the state of the economy is fair. Twenty-three percent say it is in poor shape.

Hey, y’all voted for Biden, embrace the suck. I’d love to see a poll of #NeverTrumpers, see what these turncoat Republicans think about the state of the economy.

Read: Only 12% Of Americans Think IRA Will Reduce Inflation »

Soundbar: Samsung HW-Q700A 3.1.2 With Dolby Atmos

This is the fourth soundbar I’ve tried. I gave the Vizio M512a-H6, which is a 5.1.2, a try. It went back. I did not like how the voice was really centered , was distracting. Plus, the volume was problematic. Then the LG SP8YA. It went back. Same centered voice issue. Then the Philips B8405, which us a 2.1.2, with Dolby Atmos like the others. I really, really liked the sound, and, being a 2.1.2, the voice came out of all the speakers. I was interested in it having Play-Fi, meaning you could hook a bunch of things, especially speakers (not those satellite ones which provide atmosphere, actual speakers). However, the volume was dumb. Had to be around a 30 to hear anything, 50 for good volume, and every press of the remote made it go up or down 3-6. Went back. On to the fourth. And I’m liking the Samsung HW-Q700a a whole lot better.

It is a 3.1.2, with all the Dolby codecs, including Atmos (not that many movies or shows have it). I’ve had an older Samsung 2.1 since 2016, figured I’d give it a shot, especially since it is 47% off. The sound quality is pretty darned good, and, while the voice is isolated a bit in the center, it sounds spread out a bit more, so I’m not focused on the center of the soundbar. The side speakers provide excellent quality. Still not as good as the Bose 301s with my receiver, but, good for most things.

I tried many of the same movies, shows, and songs as before. Carnival Row, which does have Atmos, did pretty well. Like most soundbars, it seems a little week on the mid-level sound. It’s slightly week on the bass from the bar, and the subwoofer won’t blow you away. Sadly, cannot bluetooth the one that came with the old Samsung, as that thing is huge. The TV shows I watch made hearing voices much better, and the songs I try, like Steely Dan’s Aja and Black Sabbath’s Heaven And Hell (great for deep bass and guitar) were just fine. I’ll still send to stereo first, though. Have the Bluray connected via optical cable to a device that converts to RCA, stream Iheart and Spotify from there. Otherwise, have to change TV to PCM (2.0 output) audio output.

Interestingly, I was watching Expedition Unknown, play it a lot late night, soothing to fall asleep to, like movies such as the Lord Of The Rings trilogy, and heard sounds I’d never noticed before. This one is probably a keeper. I have the old Samsung connected via optical cable so I can switch back and forth quickly, getting an idea of the sound.

Read: Soundbar: Samsung HW-Q700A 3.1.2 With Dolby Atmos »

Secretary Granholm Says Americans Can Save Money By Spending Lots

These people are truly deluded. Demented. Out of touch with most Americans

Granholm Defends Inflation Bill By Explaining How Americans Can Spend More Money On Their Homes

The Biden Administration’s energy secretary Jennifer Granholm was schooled by CNN’s “State of the Union” host Brianna Keilar, Sunday, after making a series of comments regarding the Inflation Reduction Act.

The comments came after Keilar noted that there are three studies that show the Biden Administration’s Inflation Reduction Act will have no major impact on inflation and many major items in the bill will not take effect until 2023 or later, a clip of which was shared on Twitter. “So what specifically will this bill do to lower costs for Americans right now?” Keiler asked Granholm.

“First of all, immediately, people will be able to lower their fuel costs in their homes,” before describing how families can only lower these costs if they can prove they have installed energy efficient windows and other appliances on their homes.

“That is right away. Then, on top of that of course, if citizens want to install solar panels on their roofs so that they can generate their own power, that’s another 30% tax credit,” Granholm continued, “and of course there are the tax credits that are at the dealership for the automotive sector for electric vehicles and if you install an electric vehicle charging station in your home, you can get a tax credit.”

See? Spend tens of thousands, at least, and you can spend a bit

It’s unclear whether Granholm could hear herself during the clip, as her comments were so beyond out of touch that it’s hard to believe she knowingly said them out loud. “Jennifer Granholm wants you to believe spending tens of thousands of dollars on “green” home improvements, solar panels and an EV in exchange for some tax credits will lower your cost of living today,” Daily Caller News Foundation managing editor Mike Bastasch shared on Twitter.

She doesn’t care.

The average cost of an electric car hit $66,000 in July, according to Electrek, meaning that families would have to spend that money or a similar amount on other home improvements in order to receive a tax credit. Keiler was quick to pick up on the bizarre nature of Granholm’s comments, and explained to her that the people who can spend money on such things “aren’t the ones who are living paycheck-to-paycheck, and inflation is hitting the most.”

Keiler should have asked if Granholm has gotten rid of all her own fossil fueled vehicles and replaced them with EVs. If she uses an EV for her government travel. If she’s stopped taking fossil fueled flights, both personal and for government work, and is now taking the train.

“Well actually, no, people who are able to qualify, for example, to weatherization, there was a massive increase, billions of dollars, for people who are low, moderate income to be able to weatherize their home and save money right away,” Granholm responded, noting a government program that part of the Infrastructure Bill.

Because every middle and working class American has all that money to spend right now to save a little bit on their taxes later. Utterly out of touch

Read: Secretary Granholm Says Americans Can Save Money By Spending Lots »

Pirate's Cove