Be careful donating sperm, as you may end up having to pay child support. Liberalism (socialism) gone wild. (Court Rules Sperm Donor Must Pay Support )
HARRISBURG, Pa. – A state appeals court ruled that a verbal agreement between a woman and her sperm donor was invalid, and ordered the man to pay child support for the woman’s twins.
The three-judge panel ruled Thursday that the deal between Joel McKiernan and Ivonne Ferguson — in which McKiernan donated his sperm and would not be obligated to pay any support — was unenforceable because of “legal, equitable and moral principles.”
She convinced him to donate sperm, and that he would have no responsibility. She lied. This has big implications for anyone who donates sperm or eggs, as they may end up being the recipient of a court order to pay child support. Where does personal responsibility start? Obviously, when it comes to the left, it starts with someone else.