It looks like the August unemployment figures include little datat regarding those who are jobless because of Hurricane Charley.
Hurricane Charley struck Florida during the August survey reference period. BLS made additional data collection efforts for the hurricane-affected counties to ensure that payroll survey response rates were at normal levels. Our examination of the survey data suggests that there were no discernable weather-related effects on national payroll employment as measured by the establishment survey. This was likely due to the fact that the storm hit late in the reporting period for most of our survey respondents. For the storm to have affected payroll employment, people would have had to have been off work for the entire pay period and not paid for the time missed. (In the household survey, people who miss work for weather-related events are counted as employed whether or not they are paid for the time off.)
Does this happen with Frances, as well? Especially in reference to a post of mine on 8/17/04.