I had an interesting conversation with a Lefty this morning on a forum. Revolved around “what has Kerry done in his Senate years.” It started out as saying that Kerry had done nothing. I replied:
JFK jr has lots of accomplishments. Ranked the most liberal senator in the senate.Voted against every major weapons system. Voted for major reductions in Intelligence and FBI spending. Brought out a bill against intelligence spending that even Teddy couldn’t, and wouldn’t, support. Set a record for missing every Finance committee meeting. Lied about an exursion to Cambodia on the Senate floor. Consorted with the enemy, both the Communist Vietnamese and the KGB. Consorted with a PRC spy.
Nothing incredible, just forum chat. The lefty responded that he wasn’t the most liberal Senator. Of course, I supplied the reference from the 2003 National Journal rankings. My lefty friend responded:
He was out campaigning. He miseed most of the votes. Take his CAREER, stupid pudpuller!!He’s not # 1 ,you stupid little pudpuller.Not even in top ten. (Lefties need to buy better beds: this was early this am, and already the lefty was in a foul mood!)
Interesting, eh? The world Liberal sends Kerry supporters screaming. They would rather make a point that Kerry doesn’t show up for work, then allow him to be painted as Liberal. It is worse to be a Liberal then to be a slacker. Whether campaigning or not, it was his elected job to show up for votes, committee meetings, and so on. He owes it to the People of the Commonwealth of Massachussets to do his job. As in a previous post, I showed that Kerry had voted 3 days through September 23rd, which equates to 17 out of 187 Roll Calls. Again, is this Presidential material? And how can the Left condone this behavior over being a Liberal?