How can you identify someone with iris and fingerprint ID, if they have never been ID’d by either? Lurch? Anything?
The Right of Choice is a Constitutional Right. Have searched my copy of the Constitution, couldn’t find that. Not in the Declaration of Independence, either. What up with that, John?
10:04pm Wealthy people, yada yada yada. Don’t know about y’all, but the tax cuts were good to me! If those making 200k and more got tax cuts, so? Are they not entitled to keeping the money they worked for?
10:05 HOW does Kerry add all these troops without a draft? 40,000 is what he has proposed. And how to keep those in now when Kerry plans on doing away with all restrictions on gays and lesbians in the military?
10:09 Kerry bloviating on the Assault Weapons Ban. I guess it would have been to much to ask for him to introduce a Bill on the Senate floor. Na, that’s just stupid. Still going on about it. Hey, John, criminals do not buy AK-47’s from Bobs Gun Emporium.
10:15 Faith question. Gotta give it to Bob Schieffer, he is really throwing some knuckleballs now and then.
10:21 Kerry mentions campaign finance reform. Oh, now he wants reform if he gets elected.
10:23 On the wives. Bush hits a grandslam talking about Laura, and joking on himself. Let’s see what Kerry says on Teresa. Ok, Kerry does a good job of joking on himself, regarding marrying up. 2 run shot for that one.
Closing yapping points: Kerry painting himself as a Conservative. Quite frankly, even with a slightly open mind, I wasn’t moved at all. Bush, message is a bit better then previous ones, but the delivery was much better.
All in all, Bush was much better tonight then the first debate. He didn’t lean. He stayed calm, he didn’t make faces. Kerry was off his game, about 60% of his normal. Style and substance to W, baseball, 12-3.