Perusing the Alliances, and wondering what to do, what to do. Do I go for the Alliance of Free Blogs, which seems to be the most popular one? Or the Axis of the Naughty, which has a cool name? Why isn’t there a Cpatains Quarters Alliance? His was the first blog I ever read, and still my #1 favorite. First blog I hit during the day. Or a RightWingNews Alliance? How about a Make Liberals Walk the Plank Alliance, pitting the always correct Right Wingers against the pathalogically wrong Left Wingers.
Oh, what to do, what to do.

Maybe we should start our own — the Pirate’s Alliance. Or the Pirates of the Blogosphere. Maybe the Pirate’s Code (really just guidelines) Alliance.
Yup. What I would really like to see is either NCBlogs (had to send an email, then they listed me quickly), or North State Blogs be a force similar to the Bear League.