It may not have been just the Raleigh office of the GOP that was vandalized:
The suspected anarchists may have destroyed more than the Republican headquarters. Some homes in Raleigh were recently vandalized and police believe members of the underground group may be responsible. One homeowner who says the Bush/Cheney sign on his lawn made him a target.
Jeff Allen’s garage door has signs of the president all over it, but along with his name were a couple derogatory remarks spray painted in black. "I think it was a way out from where they were going and they happened to see a Bush sign in the yard and said let’s stop here."
Aside from the graffiti on the garage, the spotlight was also painted black it was shining on a Bush/Cheney sign in the yard. Police say anarchists may be responsible. "Whoever did it was ignorant."
Ignorant is not quite the word that I would have used. But, as I generally do not use that language while writing, let’s just say (censored).
And, while on this subject, the kid who assualted a tv reporter is out on $10,000 bail.