Was perusing some of my old stuff for next weeks Best of Me Symphony, which is looking for stuff 60 days or older, and noticed that the sidebars go wacko from before I changed the logo a bit. But, still readable, and, if you are interested, go to The Owners Manual and submit a post […]
Recent Comments
- ST on GOP Looks To Claw Back Money For USPS EV Trucks: “Florida ranked #1 (US News & World Reports) in EDUCATION AND ECONOMY! Re-Post https://commoncts.blogspot.com/2025/03/florida-ranked-1-us-news-world-reports.html” Mar 11, 06:39
- Dana on GOP Looks To Claw Back Money For USPS EV Trucks: “Our distinguished host wrote: 93. They do not know what they are doing. No, the manufacturer really doesn’t. Oshkosh, the…” Mar 10, 23:36
- drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “Didn’t you own a company, uh Galera Therapeutics, if memory serves that frittered away at least $75M+ of investors’ money…” Mar 10, 22:04
- Elwood P Dowd on If All You See…: “Elon has lost 3 USAID *units of wealth since “taking office”. It just evaporated! It takes USAID a year of…” Mar 10, 21:45
- Elwood P Dowd on If All You See…: “Elon! Elon is in charge of Xitter, and it’s crashing. He’s in charge of Tesla, and the stock is plummeting.…” Mar 10, 21:30