December 9, 2004 – 8:00 am
From CNN Entertainment comes a story on First Amendment movies: If you don’t think the First Amendment is a burning issue, you’ve already forgotten the ruckus over "Saving Private Ryan" just three weeks ago. Spooked by how the Feds might punish them, 66 ABC affiliates played safe by squelching that acclaimed war film. Their excuse […]
December 8, 2004 – 7:58 pm
Cassandra is back! I was bummed when she left I Love Jet Noise, which was one of my favorites stricktly due to Cass. Was surfing using Blog Explosion, and ran across Cao’s Blog, and there was a post about Cass blogging again at Vallainous Company. Immediately blog rolled. Welcome back, Cass!
December 8, 2004 – 7:29 pm
Did ye know that caffeine can cause muscle tremors around the eyes? Me neither. For the last few days I have had some late evening issues with muscle tremors under my right eye. Just figured it was a dirty contact lens. Nope. Have to lay off caffeine for awhile. That is worse then no internet! […]
December 8, 2004 – 10:24 am
Dan will be traveling from Florida to the Heartland to the West Coast in search of the Truth A Precision Guided Humor Assignment
December 8, 2004 – 7:55 am
Jeremy at American Warmonger was discussing You Might Be a Geek 001, and part of the discussion was about email, which brought about a comment from moi regarding the Ice Storm of 2002 (has to be capitalized) where had no email, no internet, no access. Oh, and no power. Well, Avast! This weekend is the […]
December 7, 2004 – 7:52 pm
From the BBC, the United States has said NO to signing the Kyoto Treaty The US has told a UN conference on global warming that it has no intention of re-joining international efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions. The chief American negotiator at the conference in Argentina’s capital Buenos Aires ruled out any move to […]
December 7, 2004 – 7:23 pm
So, I have joined Blog Explosion, from the King Of Fools. Sorry to any of the other folks who sites I visit alot, I just didn’t know what it was. Still not fully hip to how Blog Explosion works, just having fun seeing other sites. If you would like to join, as it is a […]
December 7, 2004 – 3:15 pm
Perhaps it is serendipitous that I am reading Harry Turtledoves Days Of Infamy at this time. Yesterday, December 7, 1941 – a date which will live in infamy – the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. The United States was at peace […]
December 7, 2004 – 9:44 am
Rather then looking for some good stuff to blog, I have spent the last hour trying to figure out why I cannot send email from my laptop with attachments that are over 50kb in size. Works absolutley fine from the desktop, same settings as far as I can tell. Have tested sending stuff under 50kb. […]
December 7, 2004 – 8:24 am
The Dutch have re-arrested a Dutch national for assisting Saddam with genocide. Prosecutors in the Netherlands say they will charge a 62-year-old Dutchman suspected of assisting ex-Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein in genocide. A spokesman for the chief prosecutor’s office said the suspect had supplied Saddam Hussein with thousands of tons of base materials for chemical […]