Daily Archives: January 4, 2005

Tribe Shoots at Aid Flight

Perhaps it’s the parrots, but this gave me a good chuckle when I read it at the BBC, via Outside the Beltway: An Indian helicopter dropping food and water over the remote Andaman and Nicobar Islands has been attacked by tribesmen using bows and arrows.  There were fears that the endangered tribal groups had been […]


For anyone who uses typepad, any idea what happens when one exceeds their bandwith? I know they aren’t charging for overage at this time, but will visitors get a "bandwith exceeded" message, or will they still be able to see the bog? I would love to say that I have all sorts of new weblog […]

The Minority Report

The conspiracies are still going strong. Now MSNBC takes a pitiful shot at the elections in Ohio. Apparently, it is big news that 37 people had issues with the elections in Ohio. One voter didn’t see any signs of fraud on Election Day but was suspicious of the results. Another was surprised by long lines […]

Pirate's Cove