January 3, 2005 – 8:33 pm
Looks like Kos is on the DU’s hit list. Here. And Here. Over this. I shan’t exerpt any of it: it needs to be read in full to really get an idea of where he is going. We Right Wing nuts may not agree with Kos on most issues, but I would like to say […]
January 3, 2005 – 8:19 pm
It is simply amazing to me that 60 some odd million people can be in denial over the 2004 presidential election. I mean, come on people, wake up! How can 60 million be so utterly clueless and unwilling to accept evidence of fraud in Ohio? It is everywhere. How can 60 million ignore the vast […]
January 2, 2005 – 4:39 pm
You can almost convince me: The average high in January for Raleigh, North Carolina is 49. The average low is 30.
January 2, 2005 – 4:30 pm
So now the libs want another recount. Please do not insult my intelligence by claiming the Green and Liberatarian Parties are really behind the lunacy going on in Ohio. Despite no evidence, we have have one recount. There is still no evidence, just feelings and conjecture, and they want a second recount. The filing, part […]
January 1, 2005 – 10:51 pm
Now, this seems great, if it works: Scientists believe they have identified a protein which could be crucial in creating new treatments for allergies. Researchers told Nature that blocking p110delta in mast cells – which cause allergic reactions – substantially reduced symptoms in tests on mice. To heck with the mice, I’ll try it. For […]
January 1, 2005 – 7:30 pm
Cassandra beat me to the punch with this one (saw her update using Bloglines.) Saw it this am when I was checking to see what the loons at the Times were doing today, but, hey, a morning nap called. So, let me throw this up before I read Cass’ post, then I recommend you set […]
January 1, 2005 – 6:47 pm
Everyone else out there is making their predictions for 2005, I figured that it is time to make some myself. George Bush will be inaugurated. (happened) The big weenie, John Kerry (he is a US Senator, you know) will not break 40% attendance for votes. Teresa Heinz Kerry will say something incredibly insensitive in public. […]