I am not so sure that this shouldn’t be under humor instead of War on Terror. In surfing the pajamasphere, I was wondering what the deal was with the soldier thing. I guess reading the news might have made sense. Hat tip to American Dinosaur for explaining the deal.
Now, I may not be the best expert, but, look at the gun. First, what is the deal with “handle” on the barrel? I do not remember M-16’s with that on there. Second, the terrorists always use AK’s. All of a sudden they switch to an American brand? Third, does it look to anyone else like there is no clip in the gun?
Addition: Jeremy of American Warmonger (who has a great war going on here, and got it going at LOSLI) points to Cry Freedom, who is sending in Team America to save the day.
BTW, Cry Freedom’s address has changed, so, please change your bookmarks.
Slight update: I’ve been seeing the photo on others blogs, and realized that it is not an M-16, it is an M4, and, that attachment on the barrel does come on some versions. Still no clip, though.

We shouldn’t be making light of this situation. That rubber love doll runs a couple of grand for a new one.What would hapen if they really beheaded it? Oh the humanity!! Someone call the president! They’re going to decapitate a rubber sex doll! Someone call Chirac! He’ll know what to do!
Cry Freedom has Team America going in to save him. LOL
Can you imaging if they try to behead it on camera, and show it? Cutting rubber with one of the included knives won’t be all that easy.
I’ve got a GPS read on it … I am going in to rescue the toy … Wish me luck.
Good luck DC. If you’ve got a good GPS read and still can’t find it remember: They usually fall under the bed.
Need the little knife that comes in the packaging :)
How to be a terrorist
Come! Gather ’round all my infidel bretheren! I must speak to you of a grand opportunity! You to can become a terrorist hostage taker. Yes, that’s right! You can become an infidel hating terrorist and make demands upon random countries by holding hos…
How to be a terrorist
Come! Gather ’round all my infidel bretheren! I must speak to you of a grand opportunity! You to can become a terrorist hostage taker. Yes, that’s right! You can become an infidel hating terrorist and make demands upon random countries by holding hos…