How be everyone, aarrggh? I appreciate everyone’s input on the bag. I am thinking that it has to go back. Perfect for the laptop, though. Maybe a few Iron Maiden stickers?
On a personal note, after slaving away, my store managed to achieve a 96.8% on our audit. This is very important for me, since, unlike years past, we only get 1 audit per year now. Used to be at least 2. I will be honest, it is about what I expected, both of mine last year were 96’s, but, 1 missing new phone, and could have been totally screwed, and have no way to do a spot check without the auditor knowing.
On another note, I will be doing a bit of guest blogging over at Little Miss Attila. Stop by and see me! LMA was probably among the first 10-20 bloggers that I blogrolled. Up to about 90 or so now. I am going to try and introduce a few of my East Coast buds to the Bear League.