drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “Well when you’re held in solitary long enough in a brutal filthy city jail you’ll plead to anything. Brandon’s DemoJustice.…” Dec 18, 23:57
Elwood P Dowd on If All You See…: “Mr Dana approves of violence against America and the police, at least as long as the assaulter is an aggrieved…” Dec 18, 22:10
Dana on If All You See…: “The incredulous Mr Dowd wrote: Evans pleaded guilty to a felony count of obstructing or impeding officers during a civil…” Dec 18, 20:03
drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “It’s a shit bill that Mikey shouldn’t be trying to ram through at the last minute. And Rimjob you know…” Dec 18, 18:52
Elwood P Dowd on If All You See…: “Trump and Elon (aka Trumpelon) are both now advocating that Congressional GOPhers shut down government until Trumpelon is sworn in.…” Dec 18, 18:42
All posts here are my views. None represent my employer. If ye can prove me wrong, so be it. Ye can rant and rave at me, but be mostly polite to any other commentors. I will put up with quite a bit, but be mostly respectful to others.
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How do you spell the sound of puking?
Damn that’s awful…
“Like I finally got in touch with my feminine side, and now I can’t stop touching it.”
“I don’t see why Hillary is the front runner …. why I even look better than Hillary in a bathing suit”.
This is turning out much like I expected :)
DRUDGE BREAKING: The New York Times today reports that Howard Dean may be a bigger boob than previously thought.
It’s spelled:
Does that about cover it?
Oh! a caption! Sorry. How’s this one: