Because life is more then politics, I bring an interesting way to get your email on your phone, for the 46 million Cingular customers.
I was having a conversation on a forum, and one poster was asking how to get their email on their phone. Now, Cingular’s infrastructure, like most of the other carriers, is not set up for straight dial up from a mobile phone to get your email. This involves going into your messaging menu and choosing "Email," and the phone would dial up. This also would burn your minutes. It is very difficult to set it up. I am pretty knowledgable about this, and I have given up the few times I have tried.
So what to do? All you need is Wireless Internet. You can either do this on a pay per use basis, or pay as little as $4.99 a month (much better option.) You then go to Cingular’s Media Net web page, which you can reach from the Cingular homepage. Choose email. Down in the lower right is "POP Mail Settings." All you need is your user name, inbound server address, and password.
To get your POP3 email from the page you use the drop down box, choose "get other mail." BTW, this web page allows you to get that web based email that your corporate firewall may block. Heh, heh, heh. To get it on your phone, you get on the wireless internet, choose messaging, email, Media net email, get POP mail. Bam, you have your email on your phone.
There is no alert for it, unless you choose to use the Cingular provided email address. I can be reached at Hard to believe that 3 other people use that wteach, eh? I can pull my regular pop3 wteach address using my phone. Cool.
There is also a link to get your Yahoo mail, as well.