Isn’t that what the Lefties keep telling us? It’s not about the sex?
Kurtz has been complaining to anyone who’ll listen about the horrors of
progressive bloggers poking into Guckert’s "private life".Apparently, he doesn’t know that prostition is the world’s oldest profession. People are digging into Guckert’s professional life, not his private life.
But when it suits his ideological agenda, Kurtz has no problem talking about peoples’ genuinely private life (in this case, Dick Morris’ toe sucking affair).
Funny. That toe sucking occured in 1996. Talk about really digging for dirt. Hmm, correct me if I am wrong, but there is a vast, huge, galactic difference between Gannon/Guckert, a small fry reporter for an internet only paper, and Dick Morris, a Clinton presidential advisor. See my post over at Little Miss Attila for similar thoughts.
Just One Minute has some more interesting discussion on the Gannon/Guckert affair as it relates to the moonbats.
Furthermore, someone smack me around for giving not only Kos, but Atrios, a link. Of course, since Kos has no trackbacks, I cannot get Lefties coming over and attempting to blast me. I so enjoy their constant repetition of the "f*ck" word :)

It’s always about sex, except when it’s about money. But then sometimes it’s about sex and money.
I just wish that it was about the facts, in regards to Gannon/Guckert. We should be debating SS and tax reform, not this. Of course, maybe that was Karl Rove’s evil plan all along.