Well, not the real FBI. The F*ck Brain Idiots, who are send out a virus laden email that looks like it has come from the real FBI. The e-mails appear to come from an fbi.gov address. They tell recipients that they have accessed illegal Web sites and that their Internet use has been monitored by […]
Recent Comments
- drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “Well when you’re held in solitary long enough in a brutal filthy city jail you’ll plead to anything. Brandon’s DemoJustice.…” Dec 18, 23:57
- Elwood P Dowd on If All You See…: “Mr Dana approves of violence against America and the police, at least as long as the assaulter is an aggrieved…” Dec 18, 22:10
- Dana on If All You See…: “The incredulous Mr Dowd wrote: Evans pleaded guilty to a felony count of obstructing or impeding officers during a civil…” Dec 18, 20:03
- drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “It’s a shit bill that Mikey shouldn’t be trying to ram through at the last minute. And Rimjob you know…” Dec 18, 18:52
- Elwood P Dowd on If All You See…: “Trump and Elon (aka Trumpelon) are both now advocating that Congressional GOPhers shut down government until Trumpelon is sworn in.…” Dec 18, 18:42