Monthly Archives: February 2005

Libs very quiet on the Iraqi elections

You remeber, those elections that we were told would Never happen Be delayed fail miserably paint the streets red with blood So far, 0-4. Persuing the Washington Times, we see that many of the leading moonbats have had little to say. Nada from Soros, Fat Mike, or Jimmy "worst president ever" Carter. The Carter Center […]

American Flag-Folks added

Added Cary’s Rants to the list. First Democratic site added to the list. Welcome Cary aboard!

The Redhunter on Iraq

Just perusing some blogs, and came across The Redhunter, who has a great essay on the Iraqi elections. I think he has hit on a good point which I have mention on here on 2 separate occasions (here and here), the Iraq Liberation Act. Lots on the left want to forget about that, since Kerry […]

A Democratic Distraction

Congressional Demorats obviously do not like President Bush’s push for Social Security reform. They are up in arms about it, and bloviating furiously. "We are willing to talk with the president when he has a plan" for Social Security, Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada said as the White House geared up for an […]

Toy Soldiers

I am not so sure that this shouldn’t be under humor instead of War on Terror. In surfing the pajamasphere, I was wondering what the deal was with the soldier thing. I guess reading the news might have made sense. Hat tip to American Dinosaur for explaining the deal. Now, I may not be the […]

Top 10 Sourpusses

Michelle Malkin (who has never linked me, BTW. :( Hey, it works for others) has a list of the top 10 Post Iraqi Election Sourpusses (hat tip Blogs for Bush). Great list, except for Hey Mo (woo woo woo woo woo woo) Dowd. As she notes, Mo Howard Dowd is always a sourpuss. And a […]

No more today

Quite frankly, the Pirate Teach has partaken too much grog after a long conference today, and is really in no condition to either read the news nor comment on it. So, y’all do me a favor, and go over to Little Miss Attila, and wish her well. It is a favor I shall repay, mateys. […]

More on the Man Who Was Declared Dead

Headline from Report Finds Several Mistakes Lead to Man Being Declared Dead Ya think? Franklin County workers checked a man’s vital signs only once before wrongly declaring him dead and saw his eyes twitch afterwards, but chalked it up to involuntary muscle movements, according to a report. The report found that only one emergency […]

Pirate's Cove