February 16, 2005 – 2:30 pm
Dr "I hate the Republicans and everything they stand for" Dean apparently wants to do what he can to win back the Southern States for the Demorats. Yes, I know, this is the same party that keeps calling us Southerners (always capitalized!) right wing wacko Rednecks, among other slurs. So, I humbly offer my advice […]
February 16, 2005 – 7:42 am
Busy busy busy today. Having one of the yearly audits today. Wish me luck. BTW, for those with HaloScan that used to get some comments from me during the day, no longer. HaloScan, like Sitemeter, is now blocked by the corporate firewall. So, those comments I would leave during lunch? No longer. Sorry.
February 15, 2005 – 10:35 am
It’s been awhile, but I finally got another spambot comment. Do you want Cialis? Me neither. Comment deleted! Spambot die die die.
February 15, 2005 – 8:03 am
While most Right wing bloggers have ignored the Gannon story, Poliblog takes a shot at it, and says the same thing I did yesterday: it is a non story: The Gannon thing (some background here if you have no idea what I’m talking about) strikes me as largely a non-story insofar as I already was […]
February 15, 2005 – 7:43 am
Throughout the entire North Korean nuclear controversy, it is obvious to everyone that what they want is handouts from the US. That is why that want unilateral talks with the US, rather then the 6 party talks that have been going on. This is not the first time that NK has pulled this shenanigan. Charles […]
February 14, 2005 – 10:09 pm
A manly man and his woman. Just a slight reprieve from Hillary in a bikini. I find that I keep “looking” for that perfect picture :) Tommorrow, I think Boxer.
February 14, 2005 – 3:54 pm
For about a week now, I have been trying to find out from the Contrarians why they are making such a huge issue out of the Jeff Gannon Contraversy. So far, no one is giving forth on their reasoning. Sure, it was a bad idea for the White House to give him credentials, but, then, […]
February 14, 2005 – 8:41 am
I love John Kerry. I love Howard Dean. Hillary’s large ankles excite me. I am so confidant that no one will read this about the NHL that I can get away with writing something like that. Today, the NHL will certainly announce the end of the season. No Stanley Cup given this year. All over […]
February 13, 2005 – 7:05 pm
Have added: Common Sense Runs Wild Moc’s Blog Welcome aboard!
February 13, 2005 – 3:49 pm
Now I know why she is called “Cankles” Don’t even ask me to refund your lunch money.