February 10, 2005 – 2:05 pm
Welcome new member SlagleRock’s Slaughter to the league Update, 530pm: added The Minor Prophet. Welcome aboard to both! And more: Welcome Cave News and Views. I finally have the American Flag site listed in the Ecosphere, and noticed that Perry Peterson had it all set up. Welcome aboard, and, if you had sent me an […]
February 10, 2005 – 1:42 pm
SlagleRock’s Slaugherhouse has a contest for the new Demoratic Party Flag (hat tip to Mamamontezz’s Mental Rumpus Room.) Not to be outdone, here is my humble contribution:
February 10, 2005 – 11:20 am
Last night, Joe Scarborough weighed in on Eason Jordan, and his irresponsible comments. I watched this last night, was waiting for the transcript, but, looks like Captain Ed beat me, and probably everyone else, to the punch. From MSNBC: There is a cancer growing at CNN, and it’s time it got cut out. It’s time […]
February 10, 2005 – 11:01 am
President Bush will be present for a townhall meeting in Raleigh today at the BTI Center, discussing Social Security and probably other issues. For those who get it, it is on WRAL-5 out of Raleigh. You can also got WRAL’s homepage, and supposedly see it streaming. As a side bar, you did not want to […]
February 9, 2005 – 8:00 pm
There is an interesting piece making the rounds of the internet(s) for the Left. Goes something like this: While talking with audience participants, the president met Mary Mornin, a woman in her late fifties who told the president she was a divorced mother of three, including a ‘mentally challenged’ son. The President comforted Mornin on […]
February 8, 2005 – 7:45 pm
If I get this the way The Jawa Report meant it, then I am laughing for the right reason. If not, I’m still laughing.
February 8, 2005 – 7:31 pm
Say it ain’t so, Teach, say it ain’t so: In a Jan. 17, 1935, address to Congress, Roosevelt, the originator of the federal retirement system, looked into the future and saw the need to move beyond the pay-as-you go financing and eventually establish "self-supporting annuity plans," noted Wall Street Journal columnist John Fund. "For perhaps […]
February 8, 2005 – 8:48 am
For those who are not aware, which includes at least half the folks in the Triangle area (Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Research Triangle Park, and the surrounding communities), the politicians want to build a regional rail system. Most people seem to be against the plan, including the Raleigh News and Observer, who has discussed the […]
February 7, 2005 – 10:05 pm
For the January 31st edition, the DU named Jeff Gannon their #2 Conservative idiot (how sad is it that they even have stuff like that every week?) Apparently the Bush administration isn’t just paying journalists to spout White House propaganda – they’re also planting journalists in press conferences to ask helpful questions. At a press […]
February 7, 2005 – 9:43 pm
At the risk of pissing off any Philly fans, here goes. How bad is it to be a fan of a Philly sports team? Phillies-first and only World Series Championship, 1980. In existence since 1883 Eagles: Last Championship, 1960. 2 others in 48 and 49 Flyers: last Stanley Cup, 1975. One other in 74. This […]