Daily Archives: March 6, 2005

Ransom Paid For Sgrena?

According to an AP report: Asked whether ransom was paid, Agriculture Minister Giovanni Alemanno said it was "very probable." An Iraqi politician, Younadem Kana, said he had "nonofficial" information that $1 million was paid, Italy’s Apcom news agency reported, although that could not be confirmed. Give the terrorists what they want. Capitulate. Bad move. As […]

American Flag Folks Added

And Rightly So! added to the Flag League. Check out the Sweetly Patriotic skin.

That Vast Euroconomy

And the Left wants us to be like France and Germany why? Germany has an unemployment rate of 12.6%, and France’s crept up to 10%. Compare that to the US rate of 5.4%. And with the economic growth rate at an estimated 1% and 1.8% for Germany and France, respectively, neither country is expecting their […]

Wedgie Award

This weeks recipient is Whiskey Bar (via Pusillanimous Wanker), for his rambling discourse linking  FoxNews and Karl Rove with Nazism, which ends with a doctored Fox News icon. This meme by the Left is so sad as to be laughable. As we have all seen, the Left has an issue with any network or media […]

Pirate's Cove