Monthly Archives: March 2005

I’m disgusted

Most who pop in here know I haven’t really taken a stance on the Terri Schiavo disgrace. Partly that is due to not being there in the beginning, and having little knowledge of the issue while trying to play catchup. Also, deeply personal issues which are just that: personal. I applaud those that have been […]

HA. IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally got the settings correct for a domain mapping, to replace with SWEET!!!!!!!! What does this mean? Nada for at least a few days. Once the domain mapping is done, people can still get here using the 2 above addresses, as well as Step one is to do a merge, so, if […]

No Fun League

No, I’m not referring to the NFL. Referring to much of the Left-o-sphere. After reading Dr. Shacklefords post on The Daily Kos and their "interview with the Devil," my first thought was the treatment that the Left affords the Right. Look at the language used. From the Right, we get moonbats, demaloons, nutjobs, wacko’s, idiots. […]

American Flag Bidness

Welcome GM’s Corner to the American Flag League. Welcome aboard, matie! I have also added him to me main blogroll as well. Check him out! Though he, like most, has no pirate thongs in view :) PS: I am torn between 2 great blogs for the King of the Blogs competition, World of Tish and […]

Looking weird

If things start to look a little weird on my site today, it is just me playing with domain mapping and a few other things. Permalinks and/or trackbacks for "" should not be used if you see them, nor the domain name for Maybe be fully in effect in a week or so. Thanks […]

FEC and Bloggers

The Democracy Project has the FYI on proposed rule-making from the FEC regarding the Internet and "public communication." (Hat tip to Prof. Reynolds) Looks like Cass might be right here and here. Ornery woman ;) One point of note: This comment is by Brent Tantillo, also of the Democracy Project. The main wrinkle in the […]

This has got to hurt

Headline on Iraqi, U.S. forces overrun rebel base, kill 85 Not one mention in the headline of US or Iraqi troops wounded or killed in the headline. Has someone kidnapped all the CNN supervisory staff? A few quick blurbs. The U.S. role in the battle was primarily to provide helicopter support, the U.S. military […]

It’s the media’s fault

There is a bill in the NC Legislature to toughen seat belt laws, forcing all passengers to wear one, raising the fines for non-compliance from $25 to $50, and giving the driver 1 point. Barry Bonds says it’s the media’s fault. I wonder what he would say about school buses not having seat belts? NC […]

American Flag Bidness

Welcome aboard to Resistance is Futile to the American Flag League!

Fred’s really gettin around

Seems as if Fred has made it all the way to the Caribbean, maties. First he started out with Chuck, then moved on to Nick, then to Harvey (who is always a Bad Example), then to Ogre, where he shared a few large turkey legs and rampages, then Oddybobo, and then stopped in to to […]

Pirate's Cove