April 24, 2005 – 8:20 pm
Yes, I know, it is mostly Blogless Sunday. And, I had a great billboard picture I took that I was going to put up, will have to wait for tommorrow morning. This one has been bugging me, regarding the NC Bill to allow the children of illegal immigrants to not only be allowed to go […]
April 24, 2005 – 10:28 am
Little Miss Attila says she is not writing anything worth reading till someone links her. Can do. John Hawkins at Right Wing News has linked her (and was nice enough to link me, too, including with my new domain name!). I have the perfect thing for her to write about: the Book Meme, since she […]
April 24, 2005 – 9:33 am
This weeks Tavern is up at Viewfinder BLUES. Go visit and read. Lenslinger has done a great job, even making my relatively boring post look good. Thanks, Lenslinger!
April 24, 2005 – 9:22 am
New to the Flag League, Schadenfreude. Welcome aboard, Maties!
April 23, 2005 – 4:32 pm
 Nothing intense this week for the Tavern. Just a picture of this little darling, which has actually been nesting outside of the mall for a few weeks. Surprisingly, no one has been attacked by either her or the gander yet, I supposed there are a few bright folks in the world who realize they […]
April 23, 2005 – 7:49 am
Looks like the ice is getting a bit thinner under Nancy Pelosi: House Republicans yesterday called on Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to provide documentation to prove that a Washington lobbyist firm did not pay for a trip she and other Democrats took to Puerto Rico in 2001. "We feel that such lingering questions […]
April 23, 2005 – 7:24 am
Billy Budd at American Dinosaur has his monent up.
April 22, 2005 – 9:23 pm
I am so tired. Think I caught some of Janettes insomnia. Up since 5:45, worked from 9 to 8:30. How tired am I for real? This should answer that question. When my death comes, I will be crushed by a giant duck!How will you die? Take the Exotic Cause of Death Test
April 22, 2005 – 4:05 pm
So Phin got tagged, and he has passed the pain goodness on to moi. In keeping with the way he got tagged, and since he is a fellow East Carolina graduate, why not stick with the drunk theme. I got a dandy. And it ‘taint pretty. Though my Mom thought it was funny. So, this […]