Monthly Archives: April 2005

Janette and the Book Meme

Janette at Common Sense Runs Wild has answered the Book Meme. Check it out.

Domain name change

OK, I have gone thru with the domain mapping and name change permanantly. The news domain name is: If ye have don’t change from any old one, won’t be a big prob since the Ecosystem is set up to look at,, and Ye can also list it as, but, that […]

Rights For Illegals

What a shame, some of NC’s Congress Critters as well as illegal "immigrant" groups have received mail with harsh language. While I do not condone this, they have in fact brought it on themselves. "I’ve gotten some very ugly language, some racial slurs, bigoted e-mail — which are very disappointing," Barnhart said. "I can honestly […]

Just testing

Did the domain mapping thing today, finally got all the sh*t in order. However, for all my nice blogging buddies and anyone else who has me blog or bookmarked, I beggeth thee, don’t change quite yet. I want to see what happens in the Ecosystem before I maketh it permanent(e). I am willing to loose […]

Finally, I’m Evil

Again, via Beth, because A. I’m off today, B. I’m hungover bigtime and don’t want to do anything myself today, C. I’m trying to get stupid domain management to work, and D. because I am evil and feel like it. Got a problem with that? My Give A Damm’s Busted 🙂 Take the quiz at […]

Soldier Angels

Via blogoddess Beth, comes the Soldier Angels, a group designed to support our troops. This is a very worthy cause, and, as Beth has stated, it is time to pony up. You can adopt a trooper and/or make a donation. I did. Who’s next?

American Flag Bidness

Oystersnout has been added to the American Flag League. My bad for missing the Flag on moehawks site. Welcome aboard, Matey!

Jawa Report Must Read

Dr. Shackleford has an excellent interview with the wife of Roy Hallums, an American contracter who has been held in Iraq since last November. Required reading. American Roy Hallums was abducted from his temporary Baghdad home on November 1st, 2004. He was in Iraq as a civilian contractor working on rebuilding efforts. His mission had […]

Wait and see on the Pope?

This really makes me laugh: A quick poll shows Catholics in the United States are open to the new pope, but aren’t ready to decide if they like him or not. Nearly 60 percent of American Catholics who were surveyed told researchers they don’t know enough to have a positive or negative opinion of Pope […]

American Flag Bidness

E-Nough has been added to the American Flag League. Welcome aboard, maties! (h/t to Cao.)

Pirate's Cove