April 18, 2005 – 6:50 pm
Just to show that I am a redneck, like the Left likes to portray us Southern (always capitalized!) Republicans, two of my favorite sayings are from country songs "What part of no don’t you understand?" by Lori Morgan and "Here’s a quarter, call someone who cares" by Travis Tritt Welp, I have a great knew […]
April 18, 2005 – 12:01 pm
In reference to Captain Ed’s post regarding not giving the GOP a dime, I must disagree. They are my Party at this time. When I give someone or something my support, I will do it through thick or thin. Are the GOP leaders being rather namby pamby at this time on certain issues? Yup. They […]
April 18, 2005 – 8:47 am
I wonder if someone could explain to the USA Today that people are presumed innocent until proven guilty in this country, and that proof is required. I do believe they have forgotten the way that is supposed to work. DeLay’s defenders say there is no proof he has broken any law. Perhaps so. But absent […]
April 17, 2005 – 12:15 pm
This weeks Tar Heel Tavern is up at Pseudonymous UNC Student. Go visit, good stuff.
April 17, 2005 – 11:01 am
Click for the big picture. (won’t happen. Old Typepad stuff)
April 17, 2005 – 9:11 am
Almost at 40,000 hits. Who will it be? Whoever it is, thanks to everyone who comes by my little spot on the Internet(s). Updateamundo: According to Sitemeter, 40K was Ogre! Thanks, O!
April 17, 2005 – 6:13 am
Add another earthquake to the list, that being a 5.4 and a 6.3 in Indonesia. Something that has snuck under the radar is the volcano watch in Indonesia. We have heard about chance of Mount Talang going off, but what of this? Mount Talang is among 11 rumbling volcanoes that are under close watch for […]
April 17, 2005 – 2:38 am
Took awhile, but I finally found the solution to Jody’s fishy problem. A suit that allows fish to live outside water. Hope this helps.
April 16, 2005 – 7:33 pm
I was discussing some stuff with some old East Carolina buds yesterday, and an old local legend came up, the Pactolus Light. I’d heard about it before, but had never been out that way. So, I went and tracked down some info on this myth (or is it?) Sometime in the early 1900’s a young […]
April 16, 2005 – 8:27 am
First, we had Barry Bonds blaming the media for his steroids related problems. Now, Terrell Owens does something similar: Owens blames the media for fueling the controversy over his decision to fire longtime agent David Joseph and replace him with Drew Rosenhaus, who met with Eagles president Joe Banner last week. "Again I find my […]