Monthly Archives: April 2005


“It’s not true, the Dodgers are not going to win. They will not beat the San Fransisco Giants again. They will not have another miraculous comeback in the 9th. Why is everyone laughing? I’m not kidding.” “Thank you, Bagdad Bob, who was recently hired as Director of Public Relations for the Giants. Now, on to […]

Kerry solicits the negative

Not that there is anything unusual about that. We all remember his negativity pre-election regarding the Iraq and Afghanistan operations. Now, John "big weenie" Kerry is soliciting negative stories from the families of US soldiers. The wonderful Lori Byrd at Polipundit (via Instapundit) had a reader email her an email from Kerry (he’s a Senator, […]

Are you friggin’ kidding me?????

I am flabbergasted. Totaly and completely flabbergasted. With North Carolina’s Hispanic population booming – and Hispanic children dropping out of school at alarming rates – lawmakers introduced a bill Tuesday that would extend resident tuition rates at public universities to the children of illegal immigrants. Former Gov. Jim Hunt returned to the General Assembly to […]

When it rains, it pours

Wow, the Indonesians just cannot catch a break. First the 9.3 earthquake which spawned the tsunami’s, followed by "aftershocks" in the 6.0 to 8.7 magnitude range, and now: A volcano spewed into life on Indonesia’s disaster-blighted Sumatra island, spreading new panic after the recent tsunami and earthquakes and driving thousands from their homes. Mount Talang, […]

Dodgers Opening Day

"Hi, I’m Vin Scully, and welcome to sunny Los Angeles Dodgers Stadium, where the Dodgers are finally at home playing their arch rivals, the San Fransisco Giants. The Dodgers opened the season on the road, going 4-2 after opening the season in San Fransisco, then on to Arizona. Today the Dodgers play their first home […]

Bonfire of the Vanities

Ye blogodess Beth be hosting this weeks Bonfire of the Vanities Sadists. I have humbly submitted my worst post, which is "the most disgusting ever." Mission Accompished.

Sign your 180’s, Monsieur Kerry

It’s that time again. Day 72 since Kerry promised to sign his 180’s. John Kerry has flip flopped multiple times on releasing his 180’s. See this previous post for the back and forth waffleing by big weenie. He has stated unequivically that he will sign his Form 180 without conditions. Lets help him with this. […]

Who’s outing who now?

Amazingly, this story is buried deep into Yahoo News in the Whitehouse section. Mr. Smith came to Washington again Monday, as an alias for a Central Intelligence Agency officer who works covertly. Senators, however, may have blown his cover. Committee Chairman Richard Lugar, R-Ind., and Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., both mentioned a name, Fulton Armstrong, […]

A Book Meme

A book lover’s meme: Sadie at Fistful of Fortnights tagged me with this meme, very interesting. You’re stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be? Just about any Robert Heinlein book, but, particularly To Sail Beyond the Sunset, Stranger in a Strange Land, or Time Enough for Love. Guaranteed to get me […]

AP making stories up. Again.

This is the lead paragraph from an AP story on John Bolton: Undersecretary of State John R. Bolton faced tough questioning Monday from Senate Democrats on his nomination to be the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. Republicans were looking for swift approval from the Foreign Relations Committee. Notice the past tense. Notice the time […]

Pirate's Cove