Sorry, been in meetings since 8:30am, no access. However, wanted to share a little story.
On the way to the meetings, I passed a truck with a Kerry/Edwards bumper sticker. This truck also had another bumper sticker. It said
"God" Bless America
There was also smaller writing, but I was going to fast to try and read it, as well as being in another lane. What I want to know is why they felt it necessary to have God in quotes. I suspect that the writing underneath would have given some more clues. I also suspect that I wouldn’t have liked what it said. What sort of statement was this? There was no reason for the quotation marks.

i hate bumperstickers, just for that reason. If the font is too small I drive dangerously close…and well I usually just drive dangerously, I don’t need encouragement. You gotta let me know if you find out what it said though.
There were a huge number of them given out after 9-11. All the gas stations that had one of those “God Bless America” banners had God in quotes.
If I recall correctly, the Red Cross had something to do with it…
The last one I recall seeing was at the gas station in Knightdale that flies the huge American flag.
A lot of people didn’t even notice. My mom was totally oblivious until I clued her in.
It’s their “polite” way of being heathens.
I have searched the ‘net, haven’t found one yet. Will have to check the Red Cross site. Maybe will find it. Just seems wrong to me.
Haven’t seen that one….
Have seen: God Bless America
(no exceptions)
Figure yours has a by-line like
(Whoever SHE may be)
(whatever your faith belief might be)
(Haliburton reigns)
Oh dear, I’ve been watching too much MSM. I’m sounding like a Moonbat.