May 19, 2005 – 7:41 pm
Two words: Kick asssssss!
May 19, 2005 – 8:52 am
From head loon, the Daily Kos: Damn you, Newsweek!!! Taking the lead of the White House—as all patriotic American boys and girls should do—C&J officially blames Newsweek for the following: Droughts, floods and hailstorms. Fleas. The Cs, Ds and Fs I got in school. Computer freeze-up. Peeling paint. Graffiti. Potholes. My handwriting. Trolls. Clogged pipes […]
May 19, 2005 – 7:54 am
They. Just. Don’t. Get. It. All the Dems, in this case the Senate Dems, go for the smear tactic. This is school yard tactics. Juvenile. John R. Bolton planned to ask then-CIA Director George Tenet to help punish a government intelligence analyst who disagreed with Bolton, and then misled a Senate committee about the matter, […]