May 25, 2005 – 8:26 pm
Ever since the issue of The Huffington Post (and, no, I will not link it) hotlinking photo’s was uncovered, I have been going over there and giving them a tip, berating them, etc, regarding that theft. Is that wrong? Cause it is so much fun, and they make it SO easy.
May 25, 2005 – 2:44 pm
Via Little Green Footballs, through Basil’s Blog, we find that nutbag Rep. John Conyers wants to outlaw religious intolerance against Islam: I received a large number of comments, and quite a spirited debate, concerning my resolution opposing religious intolerance, including desecration of the Quran. I appreciate all of the comments, both those supporting and opposing […]
May 25, 2005 – 2:06 pm
You might ruin their day if you tell them this: The number of millionaires in America reached record highs in 2004, hitting 7.5 million, according to a new survey. That represented a gain of 21 percent, the largest jump in the number of U.S. millionaires since 1998, according to the survey by the Spectrem Group, […]
May 25, 2005 – 8:19 am
My little contribution to white TRASH wednesday  (posted over at Basil’s Breakfast and at the Outside the Beltway Traffic Jam)