McQ at Questions and Observations is discussing the do nothing 109th Congress. Read the whole thing, but let me excerpt this:
While the 109th Congress is a case study in ineptitude, it could redeem itself and the Republican party by putting forth a comprehesive and workable border security provision.
This next excerpt from WRAL should be part of the clue to Congress to "get ‘er done":
A 17-year-old Lake Worth teenager charged with raping an 8-year-old girl and leaving her for dead at an abandoned landfill is in the United States illegally, officials determined.
But Milagro Cunningham, a Bahamian native, escaped the notice of immigration authorities after three burglary arrests last year because his cases were handled in the juvenile justice system.
Need I say more?

Can you say DC sniper, John Lee Malvo?
Excellent post!