Daily Archives: June 1, 2005

American Flag Bidness

Looky here, we got ourselves a new member to the American Flag League. Y’all give a big "howdy" to GOP and the City. Welcome aboard, Matie!

WTW: Bonfire of That There Vanities

Since Teach is nowhere to be found (slacker), I figure I gots to do his job today, as well as havin some fun. This weeks Bonfire of That There Vanities thing, #100, is up at The Ravings of John C.A. Bambenek. Y’all go there and check it out. Why anyone would submit there worst posts […]

WTW: More Religion of Peace

When Teach said I could guest blog on Wednesdays, I reckoned I could be making fun of trash like Paris (both the city and the slut) and Britney (cow). But how can I, in good conscience, ignore a running theme? A bomb from a suicide attacker tore through a mosque during Wednesday’s funeral for a […]

WTW: Deep Throat

Hey, y’all. I’m Captain Jebediah, a pirate friend of Teach’s, born and bred in the South. Make sure y’all always write South with a capital S, ya hear? Y’all can call me Jeb. I reckon’ Teach forgot to tell y’all that I’m a gonna be sittin in for him a bit on Wednesdays, cause I […]

Pirate's Cove