I apologize to some of my favorite bloggers for being so late mentioning this, but the Cotillion is in full swing. What is it, you ask?
First and foremost, it is a celebration of the diverse voice that is the conservative woman. Not just one person can speak for us, and no one person should have that obligation. There are so many of us here and willing to share our thoughts and our ideas that it seems a shame that woman in the blogosphere have been outshined by the men.
Name five women in the top twenty of the Ecosystem. Can you do it?
Unfortunately, I can’t. However, I have been reading quite a few of these ladies who are part of the Cotillion for quite a while. I’ve actually had Little Miss Attila on my main blogrolling list since August, not long after I started blogging, and was probably one of the first 10 I blogrolled. I have even had the priviledge of guest blogging for her a few months ago. Though she still hasn’t blogrolled me. I still owe her a blogadd, though. Crystal Clear has been there quite some time, too. I have also added Beth, Janette, Jody, Sadie, and An American Housewife. Several others are on the American Flag League list.
I digress. The only one I could name is Michelle Malkin. And, with all due respect, she is a professional, syndicated writer who shows up in and on all sorts of print, internet, radio, and television media. She won’t link me either.
I like reading the ladies, they often offer a different perspective, plus, their blogs are just, well, great! You should too. Go check the Cotillion, and enjoy. Now.
It’s also nice to have them to point to when your views get called sexist white-male hatred…and they have the same views.
I was about to write “ROTFLOL,” but that is actually an excellent point. hadn’t thought of that.
Thanks Teach for the kind words, we appreciate it. :)
We do get called some nasty names by the left. We’re constantly being accused of some awful things.
My favorite was when I was called a “Brain-washed, misogynisitc, Stepford wife.” Of course all I could think was “Well maybe, but does my hair look okay?
Thanks for the support Teach! You knwo I always appreciate it.