With a common voice and conciliatory words, President Bush and South Korean President Roh Moo Hyun expressed hope Friday that they can diplomatically persuade North Korea to forfeit its nuclear weaponry.
During this whole issue, which goes back into the early 90’s, I think that everyone is missing the point. Just like with guns, it is not the weapons that are dangerous, but those who wield them. A gun that is properly secured by a responsible citizen is rarely a danger. A nuclear weapon, properly secured by responsible government is rarely a danger.
What is the danger here? It is not the nuclear weapons and material, but the madman who runs the cult of personality country known as North Korea. Kim Jong Il.
Hello — North Korea never had any nuclear weapons until Bush begin calling everyone an axis of evil and began invading other countries that had done nothing to us. Is bush the one who is evil and shouldn’t be allowed to exercise power over WMD? Yeah I think so.
For over 50 years we DETERRED the only other superpower in the world, the former Soviet Union. I think we can deter NK or anyone else.
No one seriously thinks any country is crazy enough to attack us. What are they going to do invade the US or deliver WMD to our shores? Yeah right. Get real. You have ODed and that’s your rightwing brain on drugs. You must be using the same drugs Bush used all his life. You see what it did to his brain don’t you?
So you dismiss the danger of Kim Jong Il, eh? Thanks for the 411. Always take the side of those who stand against America, that is the Leftist way.