Forgive my interruption of Jebediah on this White Trash Wednesday, but, had to jump in. Usually, I will listen to Sean Hannity when I am working in my office in the pm, but today the stream is having issues. So, I said, "what the hell, I’ll listen to Randi Rhodes for a lark." And, I can honestly say I know why Air Deadbeat sucks. When their supposed best on air personality has spent the better part of the last hour seething, cursing, whining, cutting of callers, insulting listeners, etc, you know the programming sucks.
Matter of fact, one caller said that she "worhipped Randi." Then proceeded to start to defend saving Terri Schiavo. Randi immediately cut her off, telling her to "get a life." There’s one less listener.
Randi has called her listeners, among other words, stupid and morons for believing what some in the media have said vis a vis Terri Schiavo’s plight. Nice.
I do not believe I have ever heard the word "bitch" on Hannity, Rush, or Boortz, the ones I typically listen to when I get a chance.
Without the constant infusion of contribution money, Air Deadbeat would be off the air. Won’t be that much longer before they pull the plug on this idiocy. Listen yourself. You will be amazed. Pure seethathon. Randi isn’t even smart enough to call White Trash. She’s just plain trash.
Little update: the Arbitron Spring 2005 ratings are out, and Air Deadbeat is still 24th in NYC with a 1.2, unchanged from Winter 2005. Mwahahahahaha.

Good job! Have you heard any rumors that there is evidence Osama is in Iran?
yeah, but those rumors have been swirling for a few years, mostly based on that one author. hard to know if that is real or not.
Remember that old hit “NEW YORK, NEW YORK” the lyrics say “if you can make it there, you’ll make it anywhere…”
Now…using mathematical deduction…or Conservative glee….
If you can’t make it in NY…You can’t make it anywhere (or anywhere that counts to Liberals)…
Yeah, take her behind the woodshed too.
Damn, it’s hot down here in Alabama, I believe the heat is gettin’ to me.
Randi is now broadcasting from Arizona, guess Florida was too much for here. I heard a bit over 2 hours worth, and it was all seething about terri schiavo. If Rush or Hannity or any other conservative hosts treated their listeners like that, they would be toast. Which shows why air deadbeat sucks.
Evil Glenn’s Bonfire Of The Vanities
What was I thinking? Host Bonfire of the Vanities? Why, oh why would I force myself to read such drivel when I could be reading … well, anything. But, I’m a man of my word. Next time, I’ll cross my
Bonfire of the Vanities
William Teach at Pirate’s Cove marries White Trash Wednesday with Raving Moonbattery, a pairing which removes the humor from both while accentuating the crazy and the annoying. Hey you, don’t do that. Not anymore. Keep ’em separated.
Blending Bonfire of the Vanities
Welcome to the Blender edition of the Bonfire. No actual puppies or hobo’s were hurt during this, but, it can cause carpet tracks and uncontrollable apoplexy from certain fakers. Let’s get too it. All posts are in order I