Now, now, y’all bear with me for a moment now, ya hear?
Alleged prisoner abuse at the Guantanamo military prison has created an "image problem" for the United States that can be fixed only by trying or releasing inmates, Senator John McCain said.
"On the issue of Guantanamo Bay … there’s no doubt that there is a problem there that exists as far as America’s image is concerned," McCain told a press conference.
"I believe that the issue is more related to disposition of the prisoners than Guantanamo Bay itself," he said.
"The key to this is to move the judicial process forward so that these individuals will be brought to trial for any crime that they are accused of, rather than residing in Guantanamo facility in perpetuity," the influential Republican lawmaker said. (emphasis mine, of course)
No matter how much of a cream puff this scoundrel is, he makes what I believe to be a good point. Stay with me here for a second. The image problem is because of the Liberal media and pundits bemoaning the plight of the folks in that prison due to their abject hatred of George W Bush. It doesn’t matter one bit to them that those folks where captured on the field of battle in Afghanistan, a war that they supposedly supported, except for those few nutjob who thought it was about oil. Always a few peckerheads in the mix. But Gitmo is a way for the Libbies to take easy shots at Bush and Co., despite all the international observers and press having constant access to see the conditions, and rarely raising a squawk.
Here’s the issue, though. With all the news released as of late regarding the conditions the terrorists live in, ie, free Korans and prayer mats, calls to prayer and arrows pointing towards Mecca, and food better then our troops eat, I think it is high time we try these SOB’s in a military court, and move them to a jail that has standard prison living conditions, including basic food stuffs. Maybe reopen Alcatraz. Let’s see them escape and swim across shark infested waters. Or maybe build a prison in the swamps of Louisiana. Them boys like heat, but will they like the humidity? I reckon not. Or, how about this? A nice camp up in North Dakota, where it gets super hot and super cold. See how they like blizzards and sub-zero weather.
Then the Liberals can find something else to complain about.

Alcatraz works for me! California is already a hot bed of terrorists anyway. Boxer, Pelosi, Feinstein…well they do terrorize ME!
Maybe we can move their offices there. :)
Well, at least you got that last part right:
“the Liberals can find something else to complain about.”
There’s zero benefit to any Republican, Conservative, White Male, Christian, or any others of the Media-hated classes to do anything to attempt to shut the press up — they hate, and they will continue to hate. If you remove one target, they’ll complain about something else.
Supper: 6/15/2005
Try one of these specials with your supper: Pirate’s Cove sides with McCain. Julie with a B looks at Blogs for McCain’s Opponent. Pros and Cons has thoughts on Terri’s autopsy report. The Therapist says Terri’s autopsy clears a lot
Kill em all, damn it to hell with a trial. Just take em out back behind the woodshed and put a bullet in their freakin head.
Sorry, I’m just in a very bad mood.
Whatever happened to tribunals?
I saw a picture of one of the “detainees” watching television in a lobby at GITMO on the Fox News website. And I saw what they get to eat everyday. DAMN. They eat better then I do. &*&^&#$#*($&
along veggie
Food pyramid
wall poster