Todays blogburst subject is the ACLU’s attempts to Legalize The Distribution And Possession Of Child Pornography. Check out Stop The ACLU for the full story. I’m going to take a slightly different tact based on a story I picked up on on Monday:
Citing free speech and interstate commerce violations, a broadly-based group of Utah bookstores, artistic and informative websites, Internet service providers and national trade associations filed a federal lawsuit today challenging the constitutionality of a Utah law meant to restrict children’s access to material on the Internet.
So, of course, the ACLU gets involved. Apparently they feel that it is ok to allow children to see porn sites. Look, in my view, there is nothing Un-Constitutional about restricting these kinds of sites from childrens site. Granted, it should be the parents themselves that monitor what their children see, and should certainly be using some sort of filters. But, here we have a government that is doing the right thing. Pornagraphy is not Free Speech. That is not what the 1st Amendment is talking about. Remember the old saying that it is not free speech to yell "fire" in a crowded movie house?
But, of course, the ACLU is the same group that supported the rights of NAMBLA. What else can we expect from them?

Thanks so much…it is so sick. I’m on vacation, so I’m sorry I haven’t been visiting lately. Florida is nice. Can’t wait to get back to bloggin though.