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- drowningpuppiee on If All You See…: “Someone or something is fucking with the internet broadband service.” Mar 4, 05:25
- Bob on Uh Oh: Ukraine-Russia War Is Super Bad For ‘Climate Change’: “Damn you’re stupid” Mar 3, 22:03
- fp on Huh: Mark Cuban Offers To Hire Certain Fired Federal Workers: “ED: “Do you agree with critics that Vladimir Putin is a dictator, a murderer and war criminal?” Sure, as soon…” Mar 3, 20:40
- david7134 on Huh: Mark Cuban Offers To Hire Certain Fired Federal Workers: “Jeff, Putin is a leader and the Russians I know seem to like him. The Russians were provoked. Z man…” Mar 3, 19:21
Monthly Archives: July 2005
Nice Disguise, Nancy
July 10, 2005 – 8:55 am
You just have to love an opinion piece disguised as a "news story." Start with this headline: "Bush’s Judges Already Making Their Mark." I assumed (incorrectly, it turns out), that the article would be about, oh, I don’t know, some of the decisions that the Bush appointee’s have made. Silly me. I even thought this […]
Ted “hiccup” Kennedy on 7/7
July 9, 2005 – 5:17 pm
Ted pulled his pants up and put down the bottle long enough to release this heartwarming statement: Our hearts and prayers go out to the families and loved ones of the victims of this vicious and brutal attack in London. The American people stand with the people of Great Britain in our resolve to prevent […]
Arabs: a disconnect with reality
July 9, 2005 – 8:47 am
From CNN: On the Arabic-language TV network Al Jazeera, Mohammed Amara — identified as an Islamist thinker in Cairo — said "those who want to perform jihad (Muslim holy war) should go and fight the occupiers in the battlefield and not kill unexpecting innocent people. "We (Muslims) do not kill clerics, we do not kill […]
This is strange
July 8, 2005 – 8:22 pm
I have rarely read anything in the Grey Lady that has baren any relation to reality, but this editorial, by Fred R. Conrad (reg req’d), actually not only makes sense, but does not scream "bleeding heart liberal!" Yesterday’s bombings in downtown London are profoundly disturbing. In part, that is because a bombing in our mother […]
Is Dennis considered torture?
July 8, 2005 – 2:28 pm
GUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL STATION, Cuba – Packing devastating 150 mph winds, Hurricane Dennis tore down a guard tower at the U.S. detention camp for terror suspects as it stalked Cuba’s south coast and prepared Friday to strike into the heart of the largest Caribbean island. The U.S. detention camp on Cuba’s extreme southeast end that […]
Could the Left have even waited a day?
July 8, 2005 – 8:54 am
By midmorning on July 7th, the hard left was already up to their normal moonbattery, saying that the London bombings were caused by the Iraq War (no mention of Afghanistan by the Left, of course.) They were discussing petitions and dialogue, great ideas when dealing with murderous fanatics (sic). And, of course, it was all […]
Babs Boxer doesn’t get it
July 7, 2005 – 3:14 pm
I started to add this to my post about the London bombings, but I thought it deserved to face the moonlight by itself: This horrific terrorist attack reminds us again that our focus must be to apprehend terrorists all around the world and do much more to protect the American people by improving security in […]
A shout ot for my Hardball Politics friends (and enemies :)
July 7, 2005 – 8:25 am
You folks jonesing yet? :)
Terrorist Attacks in London
July 7, 2005 – 8:20 am
I’m sure everyone has heard about and will blog about the attacks in London. Very surreal. Three explosions rocked the London subway and one tore open a packed double-decker bus during the morning rush hour Thursday. The blasts killed at least two people and reportedly injured more than 90 in what a shaken Prime Minister […]