Bill Clinton-Build Alliances

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Hey, y’all, Jebediah here. Seems that that sex offender, Bill Clinton, wants the USA to be more friendly in winning the War on Terror:

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton said on Tuesday the United States needed to build alliances rather than pursuing policies that might foster terrorism.

"We cannot isolate ourselves from the world behind walls. We cannot kill all our enemies," he said in an interview with France’s Le Monde newspaper.

"We need a strategy which will create more partners and fewer terrorists. Americans’ destiny is closely tied to that of other people."

"It is difficult to overcome the reflexes of national identity. But you will get there. The world needs Europe and a demonstration that intelligence, reason and goodwill are stronger than historical fate," he said.

Sure thing, Bill. Let’s just be friends with all the countries that support terrorism. Cause that worked so well while you were president, right? Talk about liberal to the max. "Don’t offend anybody, because the people who want to either convert us to radical Islam or kill us might get mad." Asshat. And perhaps it might be incumbent on Europe to cozy up to us, since we can, in reality, kick their asses, and our country keeps the world economy afloat.

Maybe you should have worried more about protecting the USA from terrorists, Bill, then being friends with other countries:

More than a year before the 9/11 attacks, Clinton administration intelligence officials had identified four of the 19 9/11 hijackers as a terrorist threat – including al-Qaida team leader Mohamed Atta and his partner Marwan al-Shehhi, whose planes destroyed the World Trade Center and killed over 2,700 people.

But the critical information was not acted on, at least in part, because of prohibitions against intelligence sharing implemented by former Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick, who was reportedly installed in her post at the insistence of then-first lady Hillary Clinton.

See, Bill, you took an oath: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." Not a blessed thing in there about befriending other countries. You do what is best for the United States, irregardless of whether it hurts other countries. USA first. Here’s for you, Bill

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One Response to “Bill Clinton-Build Alliances”

  1. lioli says:

    those ragheads deserve to die and il give them what ehy got coming. why doesnt someone go over there and blow up their biuldings onec and for all!!!!!!!!

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